Spanish democracy

  • Adolfo Suarez

    Adolfo Suarez
    The first president of the UCD was Adolfo Suárez (1977-1981)
    As President of the Government, Suarez was one of the key figures of the Spanish Transition, the process through which the dictatorial regime of Francisco Franco and Spain was left behind, was constituted a social and democratic State of law
  • Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo

    Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo
    During his government a large agreement was signed for employment with the trade unions and employers, the divorce law was passed, Spain joined NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the regional map was closed.
    It was in the power of 1981-1982
  • Period of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)

    Period of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)
    the PSOE won the legislative elections of 1982 and it was the first time that it won a leftist party since 1936.
    The president of the socialist governments was Felipe González. 1982-1996
  • Period of the Popular Party (PP)

    Period of the Popular Party (PP)
    In the elections held on March 3, 1996, the Popular Party led by José María Aznar won. In 2000, the PP again won, this time by absolute majority.
  • The PSOE with Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

    The PSOE with Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
    The PSOE led by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero won with an advantage of 4.9% to the PP led by Mariano Rajoy, relieving them of the government chaired by José María Aznar in his previous term in Spain.
  • The pp with Mariano Rajoy

    The pp with Mariano Rajoy
    In 2011 the pp won with the absolute majority with 186 seats with Marian Rajoy
    The elections were held four months ahead of schedule due to the decision by the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
  • The pp with Mariano Rajoy

    The pp with Mariano Rajoy
    The winner of the elections was the Popular Party, chaired and led by the acting president Mariano Rajoy, whose candidacies obtained in the Congress of Deputies a simple majority of 137 seats