space travel timeline

By shounak
  • German V2 rocket!

    German V2 rocket!
    German V2 rocket was a rocket built and launched to reach 100km from Eath (the boundary of space)
  • animals in space!

    animals in  space!
    The first animals in space were fruit flies because nobody really cares about them and we wanted to know if we might have a chance of living in space ,they were fed corn.
  • Albert the 2nd

    Albert the 2nd
    The first monkey in space a species from aisa
  • sputnik

    the first satilite launched into space and to orbit the eath (sent by russia)
  • laika

    laika a dog was the first dog put in orbit by the soveit union and was left in orbit till she died in 1957 a few days after... in1959 the romainian stamp had her picture on it!
  • First man in space!

    First man in space!
    Yuri Gagain took off in space craft called Vostock 1 and soon (2 hours) landed back safley and was awarded with knowing that he was the first man in space { Soveit Union}
  • Valentina Tereshkova

    Valentina Tereshkova
    Valentina was the first lady in space. She was from Russia.
  • The moon!

    The moon!
    Neil Armstrong landed on the moon to take the forst steps!
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    Apollo 13 suffered a explosion caused by faulty wiring.
  • First Americian millionare fles in space!

    First Americian millionare fles in space!
    Americian millionare flies in space paying around 20 million dollars