Space Exploration Timeline

  • Sputnik 1 was launched by the Soviet Union

    Sputnik 1 was launched by the Soviet Union
    On October 4th 1957 the Soviet Union lauched Sputnik 1. This was the first satellite to go into orbit. The United States thought that if the Soviet Union could lauch a satellite, they would have the power to use nuclear weopons. This started the Cold War and the Space Race.
  • Sputnik 2 was lauched by the Sovet Union.

    Sputnik 2 was lauched by the Sovet Union.
    On November 3rd 1957, Sputnik 2 was lauched into orbit. In this satellite there was a dog named Laika. She was the first dog to go into orbit in space. This meant that Living things, including humans could survive going into space. This therefore left us sending humans into orbit.
  • Explorer 1 is lauched by the U.S

    Explorer 1 is lauched by the U.S
    The first americsn satellite to reach orbit is lauched. This satellite is called Explorer 1. This was very important time for America because we had discovered and used technology we had never used before. This led to many different discovereries and expeirements for future scientists.
  • Sputnik three is launched

    Sputnik three, the trilogy to Sputnik one and two, was lauched by the Soviet Union. This enhancing their knowledge of space and their technology.
  • NASA is formed

    On October 1, 1958 NASA was formed. This meant that the United States might be able to have an advanced space program leading us to the ability to send people to the moon.
  • Pioneer 1 is lauched.

    On October 11 1958 Pioneer 1 was lauched by the United States. This was a comeback to the Soviet Union's satellite, Sputnik 3, which was lauched on May 15 1958. The launch of Pioneer 1 was a huge improvement in technology for us because we were able to launch it to 70,700 miles high. This letting us observe farther and higher into space.
  • Luna 1 is launched by The Soviet Union

    On January 2, 1959 Luna 1 was launched by the Soviet Union. This was the first man made object to completely orbit the entire sun. This meant that the U.S had to step up their game in the space race.
  • JKF announced that the U.S was going to send people to the moon.

    JKF announced that the U.S was going to send people to the moon.
    On May 25, 1961John F. Kennedy announced that we were going to send people to the moon. This was a huge breakthrough for the United States, because no human had ever landed and walked on the moon before.
  • John Glenn orbits Earth 3 times

    On February 20, 1962, the U.S sends John Glenn into space to orbit the earth. He orbited the earth three times. This got the U.S thinking about sending someone to walk on the moon.
  • The first men walk on the moon

    The first men walk on the moon
    On July 20th 1969 neil Armstrong and Edwin " Buzz " Aldwin landed on the surface of the moon. This was a huge event in U.S history. This ended the space race.