Sigmund freud 008

Sigmund Freud

  • Sigmund Freud's Birth

    Sigmund Freud's Birth
    Sigmund freud was born on May 6th, 1856 (Costigan 1) into a jewish family that were highly discriminated upon (Costigan 8-9). He was born in Freiberg, Moravia, now part of the Czech Republic (Watson 459), to his parents Jacob who was a textile dealer, and Amalia ( Because they were a jewish family, they were heavily discriminated on, which was a flaw of him growing up and trying to get a good education.
  • Freud goes to University of Vienna

    Freud goes to University of Vienna
    In 1873 Freud went to the medical university of vienna to study physiology under his mentor Ernst Brucke (Costigan 10). He got the education he needed and thrived because of it. He received his doctorate degree in medicine and was inspired by Charles Darwin's theories of evolution (Costigan 10). After finishing school at Vienna, he went to the Physiological Institute where he was educated further on the subject of psychology which was important and led to his further studies.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    In 1876 Alexander graham bell invented the telephone (Grun 437). This was a major technological advance for the world, and it displayed other types of technology. The telephone was a way of communicating ideas, and opinions. The telephone quickly spread west, and every town had one for public use. The invention of the telephone was very important to the world at this time because it was such an advanced tool, and provided an easy way to communicate with others.(
  • Jehovah's Witnesses Begins

    Jehovah's Witnesses Begins
    In 1877 the new religion of Jehovah Witnesses begin in pittsburg, pennsylvania (Tracer 548). It was founded by Charles Taze Russell. They believe in Jesus as the ‘only begotten son’ and that he was god’s first creation and was an exact image of him. They follow the bible and believe in holy security. They think that if you disagree with beliefs or go against them and do something bad then you will become extinct because they do not believe in heaven.
  • Jehovah's Witnesses Begins (cont.)

    Jehovah's Witnesses Begins (cont.)
    They also don’t celebrate holidays because they say that it provokes false religious beliefs. The creation of this new religion was important because it showed the world a different side of religion so people had the option of more religious freedom in what they chose. (
  • Freud Developed Psychoanalysis

    Freud Developed Psychoanalysis
    In 1890 Freud developed his theory of psychoanalysis. This was an important breakthrough in history and helped many people by the method of treating mental disorders. Freud suggested “That the chosen bodily function is always one that has been invested with specific significance in some special moment of life” (Pickren 122).The theory emphasizes the unconscious mental process that humans have. To develop this theory he had to make clinical observations, known as psychoanalysis.
  • Freud Developed Psychoanalysis (cont.)

    Freud Developed Psychoanalysis (cont.)
    He worked with Josef Breuer on the study of hypnosis. They observed the patient's ideas and impulses when they were brought into consciousness during the hypnotic state, and the patients showed much improvement on their condition. (
  • Freud published "Studies in Hysteria"

    Freud published "Studies in Hysteria"
    In 1895 Freud published his first book of “Studies in Hysteria”. Freud worked with his partner Breuer and published both their theories in this book. In the book they discussed their theories that by confronting trauma from a patient's past, a psychoanalyst could help rid them of their problem if they confront the memory that they had. (
  • Japanese Earthquake (cont.)

    Japanese Earthquake (cont.)
    This event is important because it showed the world that nature is powerful, and it helped people to develop technological advances and learn about the world.
  • Japanese Earthquake

    Japanese Earthquake
    On June 15th, 1896, a huge earthquake and seismic wave hit Japan and killing an estimated 22,000 people (Tracer 618). This event was devastating to the world, because they have never seen something this dangerous occur in nature before. This resulted in the making of better equipment so the people could be warned before something like this ever happens again. Many of the victims didn’t know what was going on, until it was too late and they died.
  • Drought in U.S western plain comes to an end

    Drought in U.S western plain comes to an end
    In 1897 the dreadful drought in the western plains of the U.S that began in 1886 finally comes to an end (Tracer 623). A long 11 years of heat and no rain destroyed crops and wildlife. This led to many environmental, social, and economic problems in the U.S. The drought led to many farms prospering and families displaced in search of food and jobs. This caused the united states to lose money and become economically disabled.
  • Drought in U.S western plain comes to an end (cont.)

    Drought in U.S western plain comes to an end (cont.)
    This was important to the world because it affected the united states economy and relations with other countries. (
  • Freud published "The Interpretation of Dreams"

    Freud published "The Interpretation of Dreams"
    In 1900 Freud published his most important and defining work, “The Interpretation of Dreams”. This book is important because it tells us that dream analysis can give insight to the unconscious mind. The book was and still is very controversial but helped many people. People today say that this book gave birth to the scientific mind about a different way to approach mental issues. (
  • Freud Published “The Psychopathy of Everyday Life”

    Freud Published “The Psychopathy of Everyday Life”
    In 1901 Sigmund Freud published his book of “The psychopathy of everyday life”. This book created the ‘Freudian slip’ which was the psychological meaning behind the misuse of words in everyday speech, writing, and when people forget the names of words. The slips supposively revealed a person's inner desires, fantasies, and anxieties(Pickren 122). This book was effective in explaining our inner thoughts, which was another breakthrough in history. (
  • The Formulating of the Atomic Structure (cont.)

    The Formulating of the Atomic Structure (cont.)
    The theory of atomic structure was very important because it led to more discoveries on the atom, so scientists could better understand the universe. (
  • The Formulating of the Atomic Structure

    The Formulating of the Atomic Structure
    In 1911 Ernest Rutherford formulated the theory of atomic structure (Grun 465). This was a huge breakthrough in history because it showed scientists the possibilities of the smallest unit of life; the atom. Rutherford concluded that atoms contain a nucleus in the center and the number of protons in an atom equals that of the electrons. He also hypothesized that neutral particles exist, and these became known as neutrons.
  • WWI Started

    WWI Started
    On July 28, 1914 WWI started, effecting Freud because he was jewish and he was discovering things about science. Freud was 58 and the book quoted, “Gradually he came to feel something like despair as the struggle dragged on hopelessly year after year” (Costigan 147). The war was hard on him because his books were very controversial which caused people to question his discoveries. This is an important event because the war spread his ideas, but also created violence because of them.
  • Freud Created theory of Id, Ego, and Superego (cont.)

    Freud Created theory of Id, Ego, and Superego (cont.)
    Superego was your thoughts that you have learned from others and apply it to your society. This theory is very important because it taught us about humans and their mentality. (
  • Freud Created theory of Id, Ego, and Superego

    Freud Created theory of Id, Ego, and Superego
    In 1923 Freud pulled together his theory of Id, Ego, and Superego. He said they were all developed at different stages of our life. He exclaimed that Id was instincts, Ego was reality, and Superego was morality. Someone's id is the instinctive components of their personality and its the impulsive and unconscious part of our personality. Ego was your thoughts by reason for the real world, which you could control consciously. (
  • Preservation of Niagara Falls

    Preservation of Niagara Falls
    On January 2nd, 1929 the United States and Canada sign a document called the international pact, which stated the preservation of Niagara Falls.( They wanted to preserve the world famous falls, and restore them because if ignored, erosion would disrupt the natural beauty. So the two countries worked together to preserve them, while also gaining hydraulic power from them as well.
  • Preservation of Niagara Falls (cont.)

    Preservation of Niagara Falls (cont.)
    This is important because it shows the world's natural beauty and technology is thriving from the hydraulic power.(
  • Nazi's Burned Freuds Books

    Nazi's Burned Freuds Books
    In 1933 the nazi’s were slowely coming to power. They despised jews, and because freud was a jew they wanted to hurt him. The burned his books because they were controversial and he was jewish. This is important because it caused many to revolt agaisnt the nazi’s or join them, and it was the beginning of WW2 and further hurting of many jews like Sigmund Freud. (
  • Sigmund Freud’s Death

    Sigmund Freud’s Death
    Sigmund Freud died on September 23, 1939 from battling with oral cancer. He had an amazing life and influenced science today, He was the first successful psychologist and he changed the way we looked at people. The world lost an intelligent being but will benefit greatly from his discoveries, which is why Sigmund Freud is so important. (