Kyleighs goals (Short Term)

  • Step 1

    Step 1
    Go research a few jobs around my area that fit within my ideal job description.
  • Step 2

    Step 2
    Figure out all the days you are able to work and your schedule and do a background check on the job to be ready.
  • Step 3

    Step 3
    Than apply for a job each week fillin gout an application(assuming this would take 2 months or more until i get a call back)
  • step 4

    step 4
    Wait for the job to call me back, if a job is obtained than schedule a interview (if needed to get the job) and figure out the days I work. Or wait to find out when I start working.
  • Step 5

    Step 5
    Remain with this job and if I find out this job isn't what I wanted keep the other jobs in mind for a back up. So go back to my list and see what job was my second choice.
  • Final step

    Final step
    Continuing with this job
  • Short term goal

    Short term goal
    S To get a part time job
    M I want to apply for jobs that pay a minimum of 7/hours and work 3 days a week on a average of 9 hours.
    A I will apply for a job every week until one is obtained
    R I have determined that working and getting paid is better than being at home and doing nothing.
    T I want to obtain a job in the next few months.