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Scott Fitzgerald’s life

  • Scott Fitzgerald’s birth

    Scott Fitzgerald’s birth
    Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24th 1896 on the second floor of a building
  • Period: to

    Scott Fitzgerald’s Life

    I will be giving you 15 facts and 5 photos of what has happened in Scott Fitzgerald’s life
  • Writing for school

    Writing for school
    He didn’t do well in school, but Scott Fitzgerald wrote for Princeton tiger magazine
  • Army

    Due to Scott Fitzgerald doing bad in school, he decided to join the army
  • First novel

    Scott Fitzgerald wrote his first novel
  • Camp

    Scott Fitzgerald was assigned to a camp where he met a sweet lady named Zelda sayre
  • Discharged

    Scott Fitzgerald was discharged, he then went to New York City so he could marry Zelda but she actually ended up cutting the engagement off due to him not making a big enough salary, she said she didn’t want to live off of his small salary
  • Quit

    Scott Fitzgerald quit his job, In return to Saint Paul to rewrite his novel now known as “ This side of paradise”
  • Accepted

    His rewritten novel was accepted by the scriverions
  • Married

    A week after his new novel did well, Scott and Zelda got married, she had cut the engagement off because he didn’t have enough money, and now that he did of corse she wanted Scott now, therefore she’s a golf digger. She just wanted him for his money, if she truly loved him she wouldn’t have called off the engagement in the first place.
  • Expecting

    They moved back to St. Paul MN because Zelda was pregnant
  • Moving again

    When their child was one they moved to great long neck island
  • France

    The Fitzgerald family moved to France and that’s where Fitzgerald wrote the Great Gatsby Great Gatsby
  • Mansion

    The Fitzgerald family rented a mansion, while their daughter was in the stages of trying to become a professional ballerina
  • Help

    Zelda ended up need Psychiatric help, and she stayed there for years, she kept relapsing
  • Crack up years

    1936-1937 are known as Fitzgerald’s crack up years because he dug himself deep into alcoholism
  • Hollywood

    He then moved to Hollywood alone as Zelda was still in the mental hospital and his daughter at age 14 was sent to boarding school
  • Died

    Scott Fitzgerald passed away December 21st 1940 due to a heart attack