Russian Revolution

  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    In August 1914, Germany declared war on Russia. This war later became known as World War 1.
  • The February Revolution

    The February Revolution
    Strikes and riots over food shortages and coal shortages broke out in Petrograd. This uprising became known as the February Revolution. Troops sent to stop the uprising eventually joined the protesters instead.
  • Czar Nicholas Abandons Throne

    Czar Nicholas Abandons Throne
    Czar Nicholas was forced to abandon his throne . They were later taken into custody and killed.
  • Alexander Kerensky Becomes Prime Minister

    Alexander Kerensky Becomes Prime Minister
    In April 1917, The Provisional Government selected Alexander Kerensky as their Prime Minister
  • The October Revolution

    The October Revolution
    A Bolshevik led army of soldiers, sailors and workers took control of key positions in Petrograd. That same night, they captured the Winter Palace, which was the main headquarters of the Provisional Government. Other important cities also fell to the Bolsheviks in the coming days.
  • Czar is Killed

    Czar is Killed
    Sometime in 1918, the Bolsheviks killed the Czar and their family at Yekatirinburg.
  • Bolsheviks Move Capital

    Bolsheviks Move Capital
    In March of 1918, the Bolsheviks move the capital of Petrograd to Moscow. They also changed their name to the Russian Communist Party
  • Treaty of Brest- Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest- Litovsk
    On March 3, 1918, the Russians signed a peace treaty with Germany called the Treat of Brest- Litovsk. This prevented further invasion from Germany. Russia lost 1/4 of it's land, and other places under Russian Control became German controlled
  • Russia Changes Name

    Russia Changes Name
    In 1922, the Russians changed their name from the Russian Communist Party to the USSR.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    In 1924, Vladimir Lenin died of a stroke. The man to success Lenin was a man named Joseph Stalin. He was the head of Russia until his death in 1954.