
Ronald Reagan

  • Reagan Becomes President

    Reagan Becomes President
    Reagan was a former actor and governor of California. He became president during the Cold War. He became president after Jimmy Carter
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    A missile defense system that Reagan wanted to create that would destroy enemy missiles before they reached American soil. This project would bankrupt Russia because they wouldn't be able to afford it and wouldn't be able to keep up with American technology. The project was a bluff to make the Russians broke.
  • Negotiations With Russia

    Negotiations With Russia
    Reagan and Gorbachev met at a summit and had private meetings. Reagan said he would keep missiles out of Europe and he would end the SDI project.
  • Berlin Challenge

    Berlin Challenge
    Reagan visited Berlin to challenge Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin war. The wall was finally torn down years later by Gorbachev which led to an end of his power.