Progressive Ideas and Movements

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    Key ideas and movements of the Western World

    Capitalism as an invisiable hand, socialism viewing the world as a class struggle, egalitarianism with its promise of rights for all... Many ideas and movements that had their roots in the age of enlightenment are still shaping our world today.
  • Some thoughts concerning education

    This point in mid year is chosen to represent the anonymous publication by the English philosopher John Locke of his thoughts on education - a text that helped define educational practice in England and Europe (and the US) for the next 150 or so years.
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    The makiing of the modern world

    What key ideas and events helped to shape the world we live in today?
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Wikipedia on the United States Declaration of Independence Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He is one of the founding fathers of the USA, and helped draft the Declaration of Independence. he also signed its Constitution.
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau

    The Social Contract Rousseau born in Geneva. Roussea published The Social Contract in 1762; this promoted the idea of a society founded in and on a social and civil contract - a republic of equality and ethical reason. It begins with teh lines: 'Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.'
  • Steam power

    History of the steam engine Thomas Newcomen invents the first commercially succcessful steam engine - and thus helps to usher in the age of steam power. 1 July represents a point midway through this year.
  • Adam Smith - the father of capitalism?

    The Wealth of NationsSmith wrote 'An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of Nations' (1776); many see it as the expression of modern classical capitalism, with its emphasis on leaving business to do business for the good of the people, without the interference of government. This capitalist idea was central to much of the industrial development of the West during the Industrial Revolution.
  • The water frame is patented- Changes to the textile industry

    This mid year date represents the patenting of the water frame by Richard Arkwright. This invention is credited with beginning reforms in Brtiain's textile industries. These reforms were significant for the Industrial Revolution.
  • What is enlightenment?

    This mid year date is selected to represent the publication of Immanuel Kant's "Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?" (in English: Answering the question - what is enlightenment?). This treatise is commonly viewed as the first time the word 'enlightenment' is used publicly to give a name to the movement. For a poetic rendering of the enlightenment's ideas see Alexander Pope's Essay on Man (published 1734); Know then thyself, presume not God to scan...
  • Karl Marx born

    The Communist Manifesto Marx was a German political thinker and philosopher, most famous as the main author of the Communist Manifesto in 1848. This is perhaps the most influential political book of the 19th C. It sets out an analysis of the class struggle between the propertied wealthy owners and bourgeosie and the workers or proletariat
  • Friedrich Engels born.

    Engels Friedrich Engels was the co-author of many works with Karl Marx - as such, he is one fo the co-founders of socialism and communism.
  • Pasteur born

    Louis Pasteur, whose work essentially led to our modern understanding of disease and thus helped change the world, was born in France. Pasteru was not the first person to propose 'germ theory' but his work was instrumental in convincing most of Europe that bacteria were the cause of many of the world's worst diseases.
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    Britain's railways Age

    The railwaysSteam driven rail transport became a significant force in Britain, both for movement of goods and people, over this time span.
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    This movement is sometimes seen as a forerunner of leftist ideals in the UK, concerned with rights for the working class; many of its adherents turned to socialism.
  • First transcontinental railroad in the US completed

    The building of the US's transcontinental railroads was authorised by the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862.
  • Automobile fueled by gas

    Welcome to the oil age Karl Benz, generally acknowledged as the inventor of the gasoline powered automobile, patents his car, the Benz Patent Motorwagen.
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    The cost of the war? Many of the inventions of the Industrial revolution were put to use in this 'war to end all wars'.
  • WW1 ends

    More on the cost of the war Germany signed the armistice on the 11th of November. At 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month...