Programming languages

  • • Plankalkul

    Creator:Konrad Zuse
    Purpose:Created for mathematical and engineering purposes.
    Name:Plankalkul means Plan Calculus
  • Fortran

    Creator:IBM at their campus in south San Jose, California
    Purpose:Used for scientific and mathematical computations.
    Name:Derived from Formula Translating System

    Creators:A group led by Charles Katz
    Purpose:An early programming language for UNIVAC I and II, made to be an improvement on FORTRAN,
    Name; No other meaning
  • Lisp

    Creator: Designed by John McCarthy at MIT.
    Purpose:Used widely in AI reasearch
    Name:The name LISP is derived from "List Processing,

    Creeator:Grace Hopper
    Purpose:Used for business finances and administrative systems for companies.
    Name:An acronym for Common Business-Oriented Language
  • RPG

    Creator:Developed by IBM
    Purpose:Used to replicate punched card processing
    Name: AN acronym for Report Program Generator
  • Basic

    Creators:John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College
    Purpose:Used as a simple to use language for beginners or people who weren’t scientists or mathematicians at an affordable price.
    Name:An acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
  • LOGO

    Creators:Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon
    Purpose:Uses turtle graphics to learn and explore mathematics
    Name:It was derived from the Greek logos meaning word or "thought" by Feurzeig
  • B

    Creators:Ken Thompsom and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs
    Purpose:Was created as a stripped down version of BCPL to be cheaper and fit on smaller computers
    Name:Was a condensed form of BCPL

    Creator:Niklaus Wirth
    Purpose:Used to teach new programmers proper programming technique.
    Name:Named in honor of the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal
  • C

    Creator:Dennis Ritchie at At&t Bell Labs.
    Purpose:Used to for system development, like operating systems.
    Name:No other meanings
  • ML

    Creator:Robin Milner at the University of Edinburgh
    Purpose:Used primarily for mathematical functions
    Name:Stands for metalanguage.
  • SQL

    Creators:Donald D. Chamberlin, Donald C. Messerly, and Raymond F. Boyce at IBM
    Purpose:Used to develop database applications
    Name: Originally SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language), changed to SQL for copyright reasons
  • ADA

    Creator:Jean Ichbiah under the U.S Department of Defense
    Purpose:Used to supercede all other languages used by the DOD
    Name:Named after Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer
  • C++

    Ceator:Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs
    Purpose:Combines High and low level language features and is commonly used in entertainment software such as videogames.
    Name:Originally called C with classes, it was changed to C++ as a pun involving the increment operator.
  • Python

    Creator: Guido van Rossum
    Purpose:, Used for development on webpages, video games and software development.
    Name: Taken from Monty Python, because the the creators wanted thed language to be fun to use.
  • Visual Basic

    Creator:Developed by Microsoft,drag and drop interface developed by Alan Cooper
    Purpose:Used to developed goal oriented applications with a simple interface.
    Name: No other meaning.
  • Delphi

    Creator:The company, Borland
    Purpose:Used as a rapid application development tool.
    Name: No other meaning
  • Java

    Creator:James Gosling at Sun Microsystems
    Purpose:Used to run on multiple devices without having to recompile using a Java virtual machine.
    Name: No other meaning
  • Javascript

    Crreator:Brendan Eich at Netscape
    Purpose:used to access a page without causing processor strain on the server
    Name: No other meaning.
  • • PHP

    Creator:Rasmus Lerdorf
    Purpose:, A sever side scripting language meant mainly for web development.
    Name:Acronym for "personnel home page"