Prenatal Development

  • Fertilization

    The moment of conception, when the sperm of the male joins the ovum of the female to create a single celled zygote, from which we start our lives. This is a physical domain in the prenatal stage of life. When the sperm and the ovum join it creates a new life that starts the process of growing and changing into a human, in this process many new changes will take place over the next nine months of gestation. I found this picture online at:
  • Embryonic Stage

    Embryonic Stage stage is from week 2 to week 8after conception. At this point the child is called an embryo. The child at this poin has 3 distinct layers each will form different structures as development proceeds, the ectoderm (hair, skin, teeth, brain and spinal cord), the endoderm (digestive system, liver, respiratory system), and mesoderm (muscles, bones, and blood). This is a critical stage because the child is developing in a greater growth process. This is also a physical domain.
  • Germinal Stage

    Germinal Stage stage runs from fertilization to the 2 week, this is the first and shortest stage of the prenatal period. The zyogte starts to divide and grow, the fertilized egg (blastocyst) travels towards the uterus where it becomes implated in to the uterus wall in order to recieve nutrients. This is a very quick stage just within the first couple of days many events take place in order for the pregnancy to take place. This part of the physical domain stage, because of growth.
  • Fetal Stage

    Fetal Stage The fetal stage runs from week 8 to birth, in this time the child becomes more reconizable. The child is also called a fetus at this point, and has started gaining weight and changing dramatically organs, bones and brain are starting to grow. The fetus is becoming more and more reliant on becoming a real human by breathing air and being able to live outside the womb. This is the physical domain stage because the baby is still growing and changing.
  • Day before birth

    Day before birth this point the baby is ready to be born, the growth has reached its hightest point and the baby should be fully formed and ready to come into the world without any major health issues. There are always some chances the baby will have problems during labor, but for the most part the child will be born in a normal way and be healthy. I would say this is a socio-emotional domain because it is getting to a point the parents are nervous and exciting abou the birth.