Population changes in Colonial America 1700-1812 (J.T.)

By Jtainsh
  • Anglo population in the British colonies reaches 260,000 people

    Anglo population in the British colonies reaches 260,000 people
    Pilgrims. Gif Image. National Society Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims. Web 24 June 2017.
  • Population of the British colonies reaches 475,000 people

    Population of the British colonies reaches 475,000 people
    Image: North America 1720 AD. GIF Image. Mrs. Davis U.S. History class. Web 24 June 2017.
  • Population of the English Colonies reaches 2.5 million persons

    Population of the English Colonies reaches 2.5 million persons
    Image: Leutze, Emanuel . Washington Crossing the Delaware. 1851. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, New York, USA
  • 3,134,172 people reside in the 13 colonies

    3,134,172 people reside in the 13 colonies
    Image: North America 1783. GIF Image. The mapshop.com Web 24 June 2017.
  • 1st American census shows 3,929,214 people in the colonies

    1st American census shows 3,929,214 people in the colonies
    Image: Census of 1790 Digital Image. United States Census Bureau Web 25 June 2017
  • Census of 1810 shows 7,240,000 people in the colonies.

    Census of 1810 shows 7,240,000 people in the colonies.
    Image: 1810 Census Schedule National Archives and Records Administration, United States Census Bureau. Web 24 June, 2017 https://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/questionnaires/1810_2.html