
Political system of Australia

  • Formally founded

    Formally founded
    Australia was formally founded when 1030 immigrants most of them prisoners convicted by common crimes, they arrived in that is today New South Wales
  • New recognition

    New recognition
    New South Wales received recognition as (crown colony).
  • Land of opportunities

    Land of opportunities
    Australia ceased to be a prision territory to become an important immigration center. A "land of opportunities" for hundreds of thounsands of Europeans.
  • Population increase

    Population increase
    The population had risen to almost 1'200.000 people.
  • Independent political entities

    Independent political entities
    They existed in Australia six independent political entities, divided among themselves by month distances.
  • Social disaster

    Social disaster
    The outlook worsened with the emergence of social disaster in the country. A wave of strikes hit the Australian colonies during the recession. The power and presence of the unions grew enormously. Leading to the formation of a political force.
  • Australian constitution

    Australian constitution
    The commonwealth of Australia was established as a federal nation when Australian constitution came into force on january 1, 1901. The Australian federal system includes a national federal goverment and six state goverments.
  • Republic completely independent

    Republic completely independent
    1975 opened the door to heated controversy that continues to date about the desirability of Australia becoming a republic completely independent of the United Kingdom.
  • Political System

    Political System
    The legislative power of Australia resides in the federal parliament which is made up of the British queen, represented in Australia, as mentioned bye the governor general the senate and the house of representatives. The Australian system judicial is based on the practices and tradictions of the British common law and, in fact some of the laws in force in the territory.
  • Nowadays

    The politics of Australia takes place within the framework of a federal parlamientary constitutional monarchy.