
Pioneer 10 & 11

  • Pioneer 10

    Pioneer 10 was launched. It was going to be first time a shuttle was going to explore Jupiter and Saturn up close.
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    Pioneer 10 & 11

  • Pioneer 10

    Pioneer 10 entered an astroid belt. There were astroids up to the size of Alaska.
  • Pioneer 11

    Pioneer 11 was launched.It will be Pioneer 10's duplicate in case of malfunction.
  • Pioneer 10

    Pioneer 10 came to Jupiter and started to orbit it. It took the FIRST EVER up close pictures of Jupiter.
  • Pioneer 11

    Pionner 11 safely crosses the asetroid belt. Upon entering it almost got hit by an asetroid the size of Rhode Island.
  • Pioneer 11

    Pionner takes pictures of the Red Spots on Jupiter. It also determines the mass of Jupiter's moon Callisto.
  • Pioneer 11

    Pioneer 11 got first close up pictures of Saturn and its rings.
  • Pioneer 11

    Pioneer 11 was over 6.5 billion kilometers away from earth. It took radio waves going at the speed of LIGHT 6 hour to get to earth.
  • Pioneer 11

    Pioneer 11 was exhausted from the trip. There has been no contact with the shuttle since.
  • Pioneer 10

    Pioneer 10 was about 9.5 billion kilometers from earth. It took 8.5 hours for the radio signals to get to earth (at the speed of light).