Period 7 part 1

  • United States Commodore Matthew Perry’s “black ships’ arrive in Edo Bay.

    United States Commodore Matthew Perry’s “black ships’ arrive in Edo Bay.
    This would end isolation in Japan.
  • The USA buys Alaska

    The USA buys Alaska
    As the US started to expand, Alaska had many resources they wanted.
  • The McKinley Tariff was approved.

    The McKinley Tariff was approved.
    The McKinley Tariff raised import rates on sugar, so the people wanted Hawaii in the nation.
  • The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660–1783

    The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660–1783
    This history book lead to the naval arms race of World War 1.
  • The Queen of Hawaii abdicated the throne.

    The Queen of Hawaii abdicated the throne.
    The farmers staged an uprising to make her abdicate the throne.
  • Hawaii becomes a US territory.

    Hawaii becomes a US territory.
    Hawaii was annexed for military importance, as it was close to the Spanish Philippines.
  • The US declares war on Spain.

    The US declares war on Spain.
    The US's declaration on Spain started the Spanish-American war.
  • First battle of the Spanish-American War

    First battle of the Spanish-American War
    The US won, which would lead them to victory of the war.
  • US Troops land in Cuba

    US Troops land in Cuba
    This is important because it made it clear that the US was fighting this war for Cuba.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    U.S. forces defeat the Spanish and took the next step to winning the war.
  • Battle of Santiago de Cuba

    Battle of Santiago de Cuba
    The U.S. forces destroy the Spanish Fleet off Santiago Bay, Cuba.
  • The Spanish surrender at Santiago.

    The Spanish surrender at Santiago.
    This surrender was a big turning point in the war, leading to the end of the war.
  • The U.S. and Spain sign the Protocol of Peace

    The U.S. and Spain sign the Protocol of Peace
    This protocol ended hostilities between the two.
  • The Treaty of Paris is signed by representatives from the U.S. and Spain.

    The Treaty of Paris is signed by representatives from the U.S. and Spain.
    Under the treaty, the U.S. acquires control over Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.
  • Generalissimo Emilio Aguinaldo signed the Proclamation of Independence.

    Generalissimo Emilio Aguinaldo signed the Proclamation of Independence.
    This was the Philippines declaring independence.
  • The Beginning of Philippine-American War

    The Beginning of Philippine-American War
    This would lead to the US occupation of the Philippines.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    The Rebellion was to make all foreigners leave China.
  • Theodore Roosevelt used the word "Big Stick Diplomacy" to describe his foreign policy.

    Theodore Roosevelt used the word "Big Stick Diplomacy" to describe his foreign policy.
    This would impact how the country worked and get Roosevelt a Noble Peace Prize.
  • Signing of the Hay-Herran Treaty

    Signing of the Hay-Herran Treaty
    This treaty allowed the US to build the canal.
  • Theodore Roosevelt was elected president.

    Theodore Roosevelt was elected president.
    Theodore Roosevelt would establish the Big Stick Diplomacy.
  • The beginning of Dollar Diplomacy

    The beginning of Dollar Diplomacy
    This foreign policy was to expand the US's reach into the world.
  • Chinese Revolution

    Chinese Revolution
    This revolution overthrew the Qing dynasty and established the Republic of China.
  • The Completion of the Panama Canal

    The Completion of the Panama Canal
    This helped shipping back and forth as well as the US expanding it's grasp.
  • US forces occupy Vera Cruz, Mexico.

    US forces occupy Vera Cruz, Mexico.
    The US was trying to interfere with the Mexican Civil War.
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    This started The Great War.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    Both sides fighting the war laid down their arms to have a peaceful day on Christmas.
  • Austria declared war on Serbia

    Austria declared war on Serbia
    This sent a domino effect, causing World War 1.
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second Battle of Ypres
    First use of poison gas.
  • First Aeroplane raid

    First Aeroplane raid
    This would change warfare forever
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Mexico was offered it's lost land in return for it supporting Germany in WWI.
  • USA declares war on Germany

    USA declares war on Germany
    The US entered WW1.
  • The signing of the Armistice

    The signing of the Armistice
    This ended World War 1.
  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    A wave of nativism and fear of communism.