Earth science

Period 5, MIller Tran, History of the Earth

  • (5 BYA) Formation of the Solar Sytem

    (5 BYA) Formation of the Solar Sytem
    Solar sytem was formed by a twirling mass of dust and gases. Gravity swirled the dust and gases. Gravity pulled the materials together and created the Sun.
  • Period: to

    History of Life on Earth

  • Period: to

    Period 4, Miller Trans, History of Earth

  • 4.6 (BYA) Formation of Earth

    4.6 (BYA) Formation of Earth
    As rocks and debris started colliding together a larger mass was created. This mass countinued to grow in size as debris kept on colliding with it. This mass is the early creation of planet Earth.
  • 4 BYA

    4 BYA
    Earth was estimated to have been fully created. Arcaea were around and were very similar to the cellular life that first populated Earth.
  • 3.5 BYA

    3.5 BYA
    Stomatalites were on Earth. They became fossilized within rock strata.
  • 3 BYA

    3 BYA
    Forms of life were more advanced then previous generations. Many started to become photosynthetic.
  • 2.2 BYA

    2.2 BYA
    During this time Earth stared to appear as it does today. Landforms as well as geological structures were formed. The environment changed greatly.
  • 2BYA

    The Earths air has started to become more oxygen rich. The oxygen levels greatly increased.
  • 2 BYA - 1.5 BYA

    2 BYA - 1.5 BYA
    Aerobic prokaryote started being engulfed anarobic cellls. These cells offered benefits to eachother like protection and energy. This is called endosymbiosis
  • 1 BYA

    1 BYA
    Ozone (o3) formd - protected the organisms on Earth from UV rays created by the sun so they could survive
  • 1600s-1700s Redi's Experiment

    1600s-1700s Redi's Experiment
    To disprove the beleif in the spontaneous generation theory Francesco Redi created an experiment. He had 4 jars all with meat in them. 2 Jars were covered and 2 weren't. After a while the 2 uncovered jars had flies and the other 2 didn't. This proved that flies didn't come from meat but people still failed to believe.
  • 1600s-1700s Microscope

    1600s-1700s Microscope
    The very first microscopes were starting to be used. The original mircroscopes were just simple lens. They were used to view and observe microorganisms and their tiny structures.
  • 1700s-1800s Spallanzani's Experiment

    1700s-1800s Spallanzani's Experiment
    To also disprove the theory of spontaneous generation hes filled 2 beakers with broth. He boilded both and then covered the one. After a couple days the uncovered jar became cloudy and the covered was clear. Like Redi people still did not believe.
  • 1900s- Present Lynn Margulis

    1900s- Present Lynn Margulis
    Lynn Margulis created the endosymbiosis theory. This theory said that early prokaryotic cell were beneficial to each other. Anarobic cells surrounded aerobic cells offering protection. The anarobic cell receives energy from aerobic cells.
  • 1900s-present Urey and Miller

    1900s-present Urey and Miller
    Uery and Miller were sientists that tested Oparin's hypothesis. Their experiment consisted of condesing water vapor and serveal gases. A spark was added and they did indeed create organic molecules confirming the hypothesis.
  • 1900s-present Fox

    1900s-present Fox
    Sydney Fox was a scientist in the 1900's. He observed microspheres and concervates. He thought that they had created the very first living cells.
  • 1900s - present Tomas Cech

    1900s - present Tomas Cech
    Tomas Cech was a chemist. He was the one that discoved RNA in a unicellular eukaryotes. They could be used to be a chemical catalyst called a ribosomes.
  • 1900s-present Radiometric Dating

    1900s-present Radiometric Dating
    Radiometric dating is used by sientists to dicover the age of an object. They look at different atoms and there isotopes. They can calculate how old something has been aroung purley on these isotopes and how they have changed over time.
  • 1800s-1900s Oparin's Hypothesis

    1800s-1900s Oparin's Hypothesis
    Alexander Oparin created a hypothesis as to were and how life won Earth originated. His hypothesis was that Earth's early atmosphere contain a series of different gases and not oxegen. These gases together could create organic molecules. Although he created this hypothesis he did not create an experiment to test his hypothesis.
  • 1800s- 1900s Pasteur's Experiment

    1800s- 1900s Pasteur's Experiment
    Louis Pasteur was an accomplished chemist and microbiologist. His most famous experiment completly disproved spontaneous generation. His experiment consisted of a beaker with a curved neck filled with broth. The broth was boiled and set out for a year. It remained clear. He later broke the neck off and within days it had become cloudy.