old mobile phones to new modern phones

  • telephones

    The telephone was invented in March of 1876,it was created by alexander graham bell
  • the firt mobile phone inventer

    In 1947, Douglas Ring and W. Rae Young at Bell Labs introduced the idea of hexagonal cells for mobile phones. Philip Porter at Bell Labs came up with the idea that the cell towers should be at the corners of the hexagonal cells and not at their centers. He also proposed that the cell towers should have directional antennas
  • the mobile phone inventer

    Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola is considered to be the inventor of the first practical mobile phone. On April 3, 1973, Martin placed a call to rival Joel Engel, head of research at AT&T's Bell Labs, while walking the streets of New York City talking on the first Motorola DynaTAC prototype.
    In 1940s Motorola developed a backpacked two-way radio, the Walkie-Talkie and a large hand-held two-way radio for the US military. The same technology developed further and produced the mobile phone that we kn
  • first nokia

    It was invented by Alexander Bell in Chicago 1973. First public use of the cell phone came in 1983. He was a Motorola employee and created the first ever mobile phone ever made!
  • old mobile phones to new modern phones

    The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X first received its approval from the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and become the world’s first commercial handheld mobile phone (Cell Phone to the Americans), it first came out on the 6th march 1983
  • moteroler international

    The Motorola International 3200 was the first digital hand-size mobile telephone introduced in 1992.this was the battery for the moteroler internationalThe International 3300 was slightly slimmer than the 3200 and the adaptor plugged straight into the phone, rather than into a charging cradle although some were supplied with cradles. But the main difference was that the 3300 was the first mobile phone in the world that could receive text messages! They can still receive them too!
  • new mobile phones

    today we have new mobile phones such as blackberrys - iphones , new nokias and new moterolers if it wasn't for dr martin cooper we wouldn't have mobile phones