Nullification Crisis

  • South Carolina Exposition and Protest

    Declared the states had the right to nullify oppressive national legislation states by John C. Calhoun.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Protected the northern state's industrial centers from the competition and more established manufacturing of Europe. Caused economic hardship in the south. Led to higher prices on manufactured goods.
  • Webster-Hayne Debates

    Debates between Daniel Webster and Robert Haynes discussing issues such as public land policies, western expansion, and slavery. overall, they debated the state's rights in these issues.
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    Declared tariffs of 1828 and 1823 null and void within state borders
  • Jackson's response to threat

    Jackson sent seven naval vessels and a war man to Charleston.
  • Jackson's Proclamation to the People

    The president's response to the Ordinance of Nullification in order to warn the people of South Carolina and to enforce laws that are being violated.
  • Clay's Tariff Bill

    Specified that all duties in excess of 20 percent of the goods imported were to be reduced each year in order to reach the level of a moderate tariff.
  • Force Act

    Authorized the president to use military power in order to enforce laws.
  • Compromise Tariff of 1833

    Reduced high tariffs on imported goods and mitigated economic hardship in the south.