Sand timer

Never Stop Learning (exam #11)

  • Age of Innocence

    Before TandT, before I knew what I was getting myself into, before the short nights and long mornings, there was ... life with the minions. This Age of Innocence reflects a simpler time when life consisted primarily of attending to a schedule of sun, fun & collecting as much vitamin D as possible. Learning at this point in time took the form of imporving my Wii skills, taking in as much as I could about the Hunger Games, accepting that Star Wars may always be a part of my life.
  • Age of Discovery

    Age of Discovery
    Faculty of Education orientation, the day I would be introduced to my fate for the next few months.
  • Age of Englightenment

    Age of Englightenment
    TandT First TandT class and phase of Important Ideas. As the young Padawan of Jedi Redekopp, this period of discovery included I am not like them and to NEVER STOP LEARNING, Lessons extended far beyond the concept of what technology to employ in teaching students rather, that connecting with students was the key to teaching them. Learning therefore, included everything about their world.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Beginningn in September and into November this period reflects a time of mass production and related countless websites such as GarageBand, Yodio, Artpad, Sketchpad, knee pads (lol) and others to direct students to when they think they are playing rather than learning. Learning was always exploratory, not directed and while at times frustrating, I have a suspicion that Jedi Redekopp may not be in every classroom or every school to provide me with every instruction.
  • Information Age

    Information Age
    This period is just beginning. I am going to be inundated with information about sports teams, yearbook committee, homework, lesson plans, ahhh, do we have to?, One Direction no direction, to teach or not to teach, what to wear, what not to wear, Smartboard good, Smartboard bad, and so on. I am just beginning to learn, I am just at the beginning of a long joy-ride of NEVER STOP LEARNING. May the force be with you!