My Timeline

By Thensis
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on July 20th, 2000
  • Starting to Live

    Starting to Live
    When, I was a year, I gave my first steps and said my first words.
  • Starting at school

    Starting at school
    I was 3 years old and entered the school Montessoriano bilingual garden grade.
  • A new School

    A new School
    Then, I was 4 years old and I entered a new school called "Liceo Parroquial San José", that same year I met my best friend.
  • I met my father

    I met my father
    When, I was 5 years old my father came to Colombia, that's when I met him and I saw him for the first time.
  • The birth of my little sister

    The birth of my little sister
    I was 8 years old and my sister was born, and today she is a great blessing in our lives.
  • My little sister's first pet

    My little sister's first pet
    When my little sister had just been born, my parents decided to give me a kitten and a puppy.
  • Family Travel

    Family Travel
    When I was 9 years old, I traveled to Santa Marta with my family.
  • I did two sacraments

    I did two sacraments
    I was 10 years old and I made my first communion and baptism.
  • Visit of my grandmother

    Visit of my grandmother
    When I was 11 years old and my grandmother came from Santa Marta to visit us
  • My father gave me a gift

    My father gave me a gift
    I was 13 years old, and my dad brought my dog named Sasha.
  • My mother gave us a gift

    My mother gave us a gift
    When I was 14 years old my mother gave us a kitten
  • Arrival an amazing person to my life

    Arrival an amazing person to my life
    Later, when I was 15 years old, a wonderful man came into my life, he is my first love and my boyfriend.
  • My Graduation

    My Graduation
    Finally, when I was 16 years old I graduated from eleventh grade and finished high school in the school "Liceo Parroquial San José" the 3rd of December
  • I started the University

    I started the University
    I entered the Autonomous of Colombia University; Now I'm 17 years old and I began the University.
  • I met amazing people

    I met amazing people
    Now I'm 17 years old and I met great people and friends