
My timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    I born in Ponce, PR
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    Birth to school

    I born in Ponce, Puerto Rico. I grew up in Jayuya, PR. I learned Spanish in my home. My parents don't speak English.
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    Elementary School

    In 1983 I began the elementary school and there I adquiered the first knowledge in English language until sixth grade.
  • School

    I began in Kindergarten
  • Sixth grade promotion

    I was graduate from sixth grade with honors.
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    Middle School

    In the middle school I met some bilingual friends. In these moment I felt more interest in English language. I began to traduce songs in english language to spanish, using dictionaries and asking to my new friends.
  • Nine grade promotion

    I was graduate from nine grade.
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    High School

    In high school my english ability increase with the wish to comunicate with other people. I took the advance English class and I won the students journey to Florida, US. Since that year I was more receptive to English language.
  • High School promotion

    I was graduate from high school with honors. I won the students journey from Florida US.
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    I studied engineering in the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez. Must of the books are in english, also I took italian and french classes. Ididn't finish my bachelor's degree.
  • Julian's Birth

    Julian's Birth
    My first son born in Mayaguez, PR.
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    My first son birth

    When my first son born I began to work in a department store. My boss doesn't know spanish and I had to effort to comunicate with him, but I did it so well. He inspired me to try to speak English language well.
  • Married

    I get married with the most beautiful men I ever Know, Alexis.
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    Bachelor Degree in Education

    When my son came to my life I was worry about our future. I decided study in college, these time in Education. I had a great English teacher that motived me to do my works in the right way. Professor Miguel Gonzalez, thank's for your help. I graduated from Education in Jun, 2007.
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    Master Degree in Education

    In 2007,I began a Master Degree in Curriculum of Education. I finished it in Jun 2009.
  • Anthon's Birth

    Anthon's Birth
    My second son born in Ponce PR.
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    I as a teacher

    I began to work as a teacher since 2008 until today. I help my students in their English classes.
  • Bilingual Studies

    I began my courses in Bilingual Education. Another bet in my life.