My life

  • a baby was created

    a baby was created
    I was born on Septemper 30th 2004 in Hồ Chí Minh City Vietnam. I took my first breath in Từ Vũ maternity hospital.
  • I SPEAK!!!!!!

    I SPEAK!!!!!!
    The first thing I said was my brother name. MY BROTHER NAME! My mom and dad never stand a chance.
  • I walked... for the FIRST TIME

    I walked... for the FIRST TIME
    My mom was so happy until I fell and smacked my face to the ground
  • My dad got me my first bike

    My dad got me my first bike
    The bike cost $400 and was bought in Hong Kong while we were on our Hong Kong trip
  • My dad passed away

    My dad passed away
    On Septemper 26th 2009 my dad passed away because of liver infection caused by diabetes and alcohol.
  • My first expression with public school

    My first expression with public school
    There wasn't any good, as I expected. I got bullied and was not in a great shape!
  • Our first family ipad

    Our first family ipad
    My first family Ipad was an Ipad 2 that had about 64G of space
  • I got in to VAS. YAY!!!

    I got in to VAS. YAY!!!
    So after a year, my mom see that i was not getting any progress because of all those bullies and.... i'm in VAS!! Tada...
  • First year in VAS!

    First year in VAS!
    Such a huge change. The teachers, staff, even security is more lovable. the class room have air-conditioner. And foreign teachers are the best, some are cool, some are funny.
  • Secondary school yay!!!!

  • My first birthday that I celebrated outside school.

    My first birthday that I celebrated outside school.
    grade 8th, my mom finally allowed me to celebrate my birthday alone with out my mom's help. And I got my favorite teacher to go with me, Mr. Rhino.
  • I created my first ever timeline!

    I created my first ever timeline!