My 10 years

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born in spring 2002 in Basel, Switzerland. The hospital that I was born in was called Frauenspital. The building does not exist anymore, it was torn down and rebuild as a more modern hospital just across the street from where it was. The hospital was also just 500 metres from where we were living. I am spanish and French but I was born in Switzerland becuase my Mom, Silvia and my dad Bogdan met there.
  • My First Word

    My First Word
    My first word was "to". This was my way of saying "panito" (tissue) in spanish but I could not pronounce it so I just said "to". The "tos" came in many dfferent ways, colored, striped or just one colour. Once I had up to nine!!! They used to comfort me when I was scared or sad.
  • Carpet of White

    Carpet of White
    The first time I went to a Ski resort was when I was two. The place was called Alpl, Austria. My dad loved to Ski so he wanted to introduce the family to it as soon as possible. Unfortunatly it didnt work out well because I was to small, my brother was to scared , my mom didnt want to try and the slopes to ski in where to easy for my expert dad!!
  • My First Move

    My First Move
    My first big move was to Belgrade, Serbia. My dad moved there first in March and my mom, brother and I followed in June. I also started with my first American Nursery school, my mom stopped working to take care of us and I made my first really good friend, Jana. Sadly, I dont know what happend to her.
  • My Second Move and My First BFF

    My Second Move and My First BFF
    My second move was to Warsaw, Poland. It was very soon after my move to Serbia, but I was very small so I didnt mind that much.
    I met my BFF in Pre-K. Her name is Pauliina and she currently lives in Finland, her home country. We imediatly where friends in school, and we had many friend fights and that I can still remember today. Our moms and dads were very good friends so we often had dinner together in each others house.
  • My First Accident

    My First Accident
    My first accident was the worst so far. I was in the school cafeteria with my Mom waiting for my brother. My friends and I where jumping from one bench to another. I came across a bench which was a bit farther away. I jumped, tripped and bit the inner part of my cheek at the same moment that my jaw hit against the bench. Blood started pouring down my mouth and we then had to go to our family doctor in a hurry. I had to get twelve stiches in my mouth.
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    I was very happy to start with actual grades, but at the same time my BFF Pauiina had left. My teacher was called Mrs.H, she was really kind and she never shouted. That year I did not have a best friend.
  • Strum Guitar!!

    Strum Guitar!!
    For my seventh birthday I recived a present that I had really asked for. It was a guitar, I still have it in the corner of my room. I have outgrown it so now I use a bigger one. Playing the guitar is one of my favorite hobbies.
  • South Africa

    South Africa
    This move was different to all the others. I really felt it since I was older and it took me alot of stregth to leave Poland, the school, house, friends and teachers. Now, two years later I still rember and miss it.
  • Visiting my Best Friend

    Visiting my Best Friend
    After four years of not seeing my best friend I was bursting with hapiness. We went to visit her in Finland, and we where both really suprised at our growth. Although her English level had gone down a bit we where still able to communicate to each other and play. Now I am waiting for her to visit us.
  • Chipped Tooth

    Chipped Tooth
    After my first accident in the mouth this one was not that bad. We where in Cape Alguhas for a vacation. I was standing on a rock while my mom was taking pictures and my dad and brother were sitting beside her. I was walking towards them when I lost my balalnce, tripped on an algea and chipped my tooth. My front teeth were cut straight like a perfect line. I was luckty that the dentist reapared them and now I look just fine!