The first portable mobile phone

mobile phones

By a.more
  • the first mobile phone

    the first mobile phone
    It was around this time the first ever mobile phone which you could take around with you and move wirelessly
  • the 60's phone

    the 60's phone
    A newer smaller phone came out that was more portable and better to use.
  • The 70's phone

    The 70's phone
    An easier to use and better phone came out and was a big hit with most people
  • The charger phone

    The charger phone
    A phone with it's own charger came out. They came with anteners also so thety could connect to the satilites better
  • The first motorolla

    The first motorolla
    An smaller and more intressting phone was made by nokia wich once again was a big hit
  • Tool bar phones

    Tool bar phones
    Soon phones with tool bars came out! They had things like games and camera phones came out
  • slide up phones

    slide up phones
    slide up phones came out and people found them coool and trendy
  • stylish flip ups

    soon people began thinking that phones needed to be stylish so these came out