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Millard Fillmore TG

  • Millard Fillmore's Birthday

    Millard Fillmore's Birthday
    Millard Fillmore's Birthday is January 7th 1800. He was born at Summerhill, Cayuga County, New York.
  • Who was Millard Fillmore's Dad

    Who was Millard Fillmore's Dad
    Fillmore's father was Nathaniel Fillmore, he was born April 19th 1771 in Bennington Vermont. He worked as a farmer or a magistrate.
  • Who was Millard Fillmore's Mom

    Who was Millard Fillmore's Mom
    Fillmore's Mother was Phoebe Millard Fillmore, she was born 1780 in Pitts field Massachusetts. She didn't have a job
  • Where did Fillmore attend school and collage

    Where did Fillmore attend school and collage
    He attended a public school and studied the law in Cayuga County and Buffalo New York. He did not attend collage.
  • Teaching School

    Teaching School
    Fillmore taught school at Scott New York
  • Moving

    Fillmore moved at age 21 to Aurora New York
  • How many wifes did Fillmore have

    How many wifes did Fillmore have
    He had 2 wifes. Abigail Powers and Caroline McIntosh
  • What about Fillmore's first wife

    What about Fillmore's first wife
    He got married to Abigail Powers. They got married on February 5th 1826. Abigail was born March 13th 1798, she died March 30th 1853.
  • Fillmore's Son (Millard Powers Fillmore) was born

    Fillmore's Son (Millard Powers Fillmore) was born
    Millard Powers Fillmore was born April 25 1828 in Aurora New York.
  • Careers Fillmore had before presidency. 1

    Careers Fillmore had before presidency. 1
    He served in the New York Assembly 1829-1831
  • Careers Fillmore had before presidency. 2

    Careers Fillmore had before presidency. 2
    He was elected into Congress as a Whig and served until 1843
  • When did Fillmore become a Whig

    When did Fillmore become a Whig
    He became a Whig in 1832 and joined to work in the house of representatives
  • Fillmore's Daughter (Mary Abigail Fillmore) was born

    Fillmore's Daughter (Mary Abigail Fillmore) was born
    Mary Abigail Fillmore was born March 27th 1832 in Buffalo New York
  • Fillmore's unsuccessful run for governor

    Fillmore's unsuccessful run for governor
    He tried to run for governor in 1844 because of his pass success but he lost
  • Careers Fillmore had before presidency. 3

    Careers Fillmore had before presidency. 3
    Fillmore became the comptroller of New York State
  • When did Fillmore run for Vice President

    When did Fillmore run for Vice President
    Zachary Taylor was a whig so Fillmore decided to run for vice president.
  • Interesting facts about Fillmore. 1

    Interesting facts about Fillmore. 1
    Fillmore rose up out of extreme poverty.
  • Interesting facts about Fillmore. 2

    Interesting facts about Fillmore. 2
    He was the president who came up with the idea to build a library in the white house.
  • Fillmore's Political Party

    Fillmore's Political Party
    His Political Party is Whig
  • The Number of President Millard Fillmore was

    Fillmore was the 13th president of the United States
  • Fillmore's Vice President

    Fillmore's Vice President
    He didn't have a vice President, he was one of the few to be a president without being elected. He became President after the death of Zachary Taylor.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    Fillmore openly came out that he supports the compromise of 1850
  • Interesting facts about Fillmore. 3

    He personally fought at the Library of Congress.
  • How much Time did Fillmore have in office

    He only served a total of 2 years and 236 days. 1850-1853. He got kicked out of office March 4th 1853
  • Fillmore's second run for president

    He lost in a landslide to Franklin Pierce
  • Fillmore's Daughter (Mary Abigail Fillmore) died

    Mary Abigail Fillmore died July 26th 1854 in East Aurora New York
  • Vacations Fillmore went on

    Fillmore went on a tour of Europe to see different things and to learn the history
  • Millard Fillmore's last words

    His last words before he died were, "The nourishment is palatable."
  • Fillmore's Death

    He died March 8th 1874. He died at Buffalo New York. He was buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery Buffalo New York. He died from suffering a stroke
  • Fillmore's Son (Millard Powers Fillmore) died

    Millard Powers Fillmore died November 15th 1889 in Buffalo New York