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My life Rashyd Ivanohe Briceño

  • MY born

    MY born
    One day, specifically i was born in the city of Mérida in Yucatán in the hsopital of "T1"
  • Divorce of my parents

    Divorce of my parents
    I dont really know the exact date, but i think that is around this one.
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    I think that was earlier but is an important event so i want to put in the time-line. I was baptized in Conkal Yucatán with the companion of my grandparents.
  • Move to Merida City

    Move to Merida City
    In my life i was living in Ixil yucatán but for many reasons my mother wants to live near the city
  • I lose one year

    I lose one year
    I lose one year of my life, because i was born in september or something like that.
  • My first class in Edai (its a school)

    My first class in Edai (its a school)
    My first school was one that was very close to my new house, the Edai always was a great school.
  • First friend

    First friend
    My first friend also was in Edai but her mother changes her job so they moved to Conkal, they found "Mano Amiga Conkal" and her mother said to my mother and my mother change me and my sister
  • Change of school

    Change of school
    The edai was nice but the new school is better in many ways.
    The name of my new school is Mano Amiga Conkal
  • Pass to the primary school

    Pass to the primary school
    Was the last year but also is important. In Mano Amiga i got a lot of friends and a lot of knowledge
  • My new life style

    My new life style
    My mother wakes up and leads us (my sister and me) to Mano Amiga Conkal and then she go to her job
  • Always 10

    Always 10
    Always in my life i was a good student and in the primary school was the same
  • Lose friends

    Lose friends
    In the primary school many of my friends was getting out the school for may reasons but i never lose the contact with they
  • A girl

    A girl
    Was an important thing that ocurred in my past, my next girlfriend notice me and invites me to her birthday party (was weird i was the only boy in the party gg)
  • Win a lot of friends

    Win a lot of friends
    Always in the Primary school the boys and the girls was separated but in sixth grade this changed so i win a lot of new girl friends also i still have my old friends
  • I get to middle school

    I get to middle school
    A very important part of my life i got new friends, a lot of new teachers many thinks!
  • I win a friend very important for me

    I win a friend very important for me
    Was like my first girl-Best friend Isabella i lose that friend many years ago (in the actually) and i still regret that
  • My first Gilrfriend

    My first Gilrfriend
    Also a very important event in my life because was the love of my life and obviously we broke our heart.

    I etered to Culmen and get a lot of new friends, now i can call they brothers
  • I get preparation

    I get preparation
    In CULMEN i get a lot of knowledge for my life, new experiences, new food, many new things
  • I chose my career

    I chose my career
    I chose my career and my university, was difficult i hope that i chose the right choice
  • University

    I will get in to Anahuac Mayab university i think that is gonna be very funny and hard of course