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Meso, Egypt, Asia, Celtic, Meso America

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    Stone Age

    Stone Age
    The Stone Age was a period where humans started to use stone for tools and weapons. Started around 5000 BC.
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    In about 3300 to 2250 BC, the Sumerians were the first people to set up civilizations. They mainly used stone tools and were the ones to develop cuneiform.
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    Neolithic Era

    Neolithic Era
    Started around 4000 BC. Characterized by a change from hunting and gathering to Ag and civilizations.
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    Hammurabi's Code

    Hammurabi's Code
    Hammurabi's Code was a set of laws that helped to govern the people of Babylon. It was very stric and had clear and set laws.
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    The Semmits took over from the Sumerians. They developed many advances in burial techniques.
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    Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    This was a time where people switched from their hunting and gathering lifestyle and changed to farming and agricultural.
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    The ancient wriing of the Mesoppotamian people, cuneiform was written by using a pointed reed to carve symbols into soft clay tablets.
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    One of the main belief systems of ancient China. Centered around faily, unity, and good leadership in governement
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    Harappa was one of the major Indus River Civilization's cities. Was the first city to have a plumbing system.
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    Indus River Civilization

    the Indus River Civilization was formed in the Indus River Valley. Not much is kniwn about it since most evidence of citied is submerged underwater or Earth.
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    The other main belief system, it centered around basic ritualistic daily life and living outside of the governement.
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    Mesopotamia was one of the first civilizations ever. It was started along the time of the Agricultural Revolution in about 4600 BC.
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    Bronze Age

    Bronze Age
    The Bronze Age was the point of time where humans started to stray from stone and use bronze for tools and weapons. This time was at about 3000 BC.
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    Old, Middle, New

    Old, Middle, New
    There were 3 main kingdom times of ancient Egypt, Old, Middle, and New. Altogether, all kingdoms lasted from 2575-1070 BC.
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    Mandate of heaven

    Mandate of heaven
    The Mandate of Heaven was a belief of the Zhou Dynasty that each Emperor would be blessed by the gods and ancestors as long as he was kind and fair to the people. If he wasn't a great travesty would strike.
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    Warring States Period

    Warring States Period
    The Warring States Period was a time where the states of the Zhou Dynasty begin to fight among each other for power and land. It occured around 481-221 BC.
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    Early China

    Early China
    China was concieved when the Qin Dynasty succesfully conquered all other enemies and united Eastern Asia. This occured around 350 BC.
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    The Olmec was the first Meso American race that was succesfull. They reigned from 1100 BC to 300 BC.
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    Ceasar was a name for the Roman dictator Julius Caesar. He ruled from about 12 BC to 74 AD. He was one of the most well known Celts in history.
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    The Chavin was the other Meso american culture that was popular because of their freedom of religion and their powerful military.
  • Roman Conquest

    Roman Conquest
    The Roman Empire took down many parts of France, Britain, Greece, and many other European countries. This happened about 200 BC right before the Dark Age.