Matthieu's and Elliot's Expansion Timeline

  • 1931- Japan Invades Manchuria

    1931- Japan Invades Manchuria
    This was the date when Japan decided to take control of Manchuria because this piece of land had all the natural resources that Japan needed.
  • 1937- Invasion of Eastern China

    1937- Invasion of Eastern China
    This was the date when Japan decided to take control of Eastern Japan mainly because it was rich full of natural resources and it was Japan's main target.
  • 1939- World War Two Begins

    1939- World War Two Begins
    This was the date when a very well known war began, World War Two. It began because Hitler and his allies were looking for world domination.
  • 1941- Pearl Harbor Destroyed

    1941- Pearl Harbor Destroyed
    This date was when the Pacific War began. It was the date when Japan decided to destroy America's Naval base, Pearl Harbor. Japan did this to weaken America.
  • 1942- Japan Controls Southeast Asia

    1942- Japan Controls Southeast Asia
    This was the date when Japan gained control of Southeast Asia through numerous famous battle because Japan needed resources.
  • 1945- First Atomic Bomb Released

    1945- First Atomic Bomb Released
    This date was the date which ended the Pacific War. When America dropped the world's first Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and another on Nagasaki.