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  • Start

    everything originated with the publication of Legends of indigenous and small tribes on a large foot that abducts women and children
  • the first footprint

     the first footprint
    california united states: a local newspaper public that a group of lumberjacks discovered a mysterious 40cm footprint and christened the creature they made as big foot
  • the first video

    the first video
    the first video about the bigfoot sighting in a forest emerged where the slightly distorted appearance of the creature was shown for the first time
  • the sound

    the sound
    a recording of terrifying sounds of the creature was released
  • the book

    the book
    a book emerged "bigfoot casebook" about bigfoot sightings
  • the great video

    the great video
    A purported video came to light of the sighting of a large foot walking through a forest with features such as a large bipedal apelike creature, typically 1.83m to 2.13m tall, approximately 160kg with broad shoulders and sturdy build.
  • ADN

    Large foot DNA traces were found said to contain human genome and from an unknown primate
  • new video

    new video
    new video of the bigfoot sighting was released
  • forest structures

     forest structures
    wooden structures were discovered that they believe form a marking the territory by large foot
  • the unsolved mystery

    the unsolved mystery
    Due to lack of evidence, today the subject goes unnoticed, although it is not ruled out that the creature wandered through the forests, increasing the mystery.