Linea de tiempo de EESS

  • Haiti and Santo Domingo

    Jean Jacques Dessalines definitively defeated the French troops
  • the second independent country

    declared the independence of Haiti. It was, thus, the
    second independent country in America, in this
    black led case
  • napoleon's war

    had produced a bloody revolt of the people of Madrid against the French. Napoleonic troops killed
    hundreds of people and, the next day, they shot
    to dozens of leaders of the neighborhoods.
  • Execution of May 3, 1808

    In many Spanish cities, Autonomous Boards were organized that promised to rule until the return of Fernando VII to the throne, but were dissolved by the French. Only the western part of Andalusia remained free. The Junta of Seville proclaimed itself Supreme Government of all Spain (a fiction, since the rest was under King Bonaparte, called by the Spanish "Pepe Botellas")
  • Napoleon names King of Spain

    Napoleon captured
    Carlos IV and his son Fernando VII and forced them to
    abdicate in your favor. He then appointed king of
    Spain to his older brother, José Bonaparte
  • Quito was to be the first in the entire history of Hispanic America to proclaim its own government

    Then they would proclaim their Juntas, immediately, throughout 1810, Caracas (04/19), Buenos Aires (05/25), Bogotá (07/20) and Santiago de Chile (08/18). In Mexico, priest Hidalgo would give in the town of Dolores (Guanajuato, 08/16), the cry of independence moved by exactly the same ideals: “Long live the Virgin of Guadalupe! Down with the bad government! Long live Fernando VII! ”.
  • Mexico's independence

    Mexico and Central America, which made up the viceroyalty of New Spain, suffered a wave of famine
  • Paraguay was created.

    However, a spontaneous revolution broke out in Asuncion, and the resulting government remained independent. Thus the Republic of Paraguay was created.
  • Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay

    The first Junta of Buenos Aires organized three military campaigns to subdue the Spanish forces from the interior, but they were not successful.
  • From Boards to wars of independence

    Behind the defeat, the armies of Lima and Bogotá occupied the city and a year later, on August 2, 1810, they murdered 300 patriots and citizens, which shook the entire America.
  • The priest Miguel Hidalgo

    The priest Miguel Hidalgo is placed in front of the indigenous and peasants and launched, as we saw, the "cry of independence" in the town of Dolores. Throughout three years, he achieved triumphs with his army and occupied several cities in Mexico, but was defeated in Guadalajara and executed by the royalist authorities.
  • Colonel José Artigas

    Colonel José Artigas commanded the revolutionary troops who defeated the royalists in the battle of Las Piedras and besieged the walled Montevideo, where the viceregal government had moved.
  • Independence of South America

    Para sofocar el
    avance independentista, Fernando VII ordenó organizar la llamada
    “Expedición pacificadora” que, al mando del mariscal Pablo Morillo,
    zarpó de Cádiz
  • New Granada and Venezuela

    Morillo retomó pronto el control de Venezuela y Nueva Granada. Pero, en 1817, Bolívar, Piar,
    Páez y otros jefes venezolanos reactivaron la guerra
  • the battle of bolivia

    Then Bolívar crossed the Andes and defeated
    to the royalists in the battle of Pantano de Vargas
  • triumph in the battle of Boyacá

    After joining the patriotic troops of Cundinamarca, under the command of Francisco de Paula Santander, they triumphed in the battle
    of Boyacá
  • Bolivia defeated in the Battle of Bombona

    Let us also remember that Bolívar defeated the Pashto royalists in the Battle of Bomboná, and triumphantly entered Quito and, later, Guayaquil, which he placed under the protection of Colombia, where he waited for the president of Peru, General José de San Martín, in order to talk about the strategy to end the war against the royalists.
  • Independence of Ecuador

    Let us remember how the independence of Guayaquil was proclaimed, the arrival of the patriot army commanded by Antonio José de Sucre, and its triumph in Pichincha
  • independence troops

    Haitian troops subdued the eastern part of the island of Hispaniola, which would regain its independence from Haiti in 1844
  • San Martín and Bolívar

    In their meetings in Guayaquil, Bolívar, liberator and president of Gran Colombia, and San Martín, protector of Peru, discussed what was missing to complete the freedom of America: the defeat of the last royalist stronghold in Peru.