Life Map Presentation

  • Adoption day

    Adoption day
    Age and stage: 1 ½ years old, Infancy
    When I was adopted at a year and a half old, all facets of my life were affected. Who was caring for me and where I lived changed. Who I interacted with on a daily basis changed. Changes at the exosystem level improved my life significantly, like my parents’ jobs. The biggest change in the long run was at the macro level as being adopted is a major part of my identity. This change also caused some psychological problems as I entered adulthood.
  • Rita's Italian Ice

    Rita's Italian Ice
    Age and stage: 11 years old, adolescence
    My parents bought a Rita’s Italian Ice franchise when I was 11, which is characterized by intense identity development. At the micro level, I started to value hard work and integrity. I was exposed to new people and influences. At the mezzo level, I became a part of the Rita’s business environment. I also worked at stores in different environments compared to where I grew up. This exposed me to different ways of thinking and different cultures.
  • Penn State Graduation

    Penn State Graduation
    Age and stage: 26 y.o., emerging adulthood
    I graduated from Penn State with an MA when I was 26, when I was starting to transition into exploring different directions in work and worldviews. The education I received influenced what kind of work I wanted to do as a career and it became clear that I wanted to do direct service. This influenced my decision to pursue an MSW. At the exosystem level, this degree sometimes overqualified me for jobs while also may have allowed me to receive higher pay.