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Life Cycle of the Cicada

  • Larvae hatch

    Larvae hatch
    Fertilized female cicada deposits larvae eggs at the base of a tree. This begins the seventeen year gestation period.
  • Emergence Time!

    Emergence Time!
    Nymph emerges from ground sometimes called "mud-tubes".
  • Nymph exits skeleton

    Nymph exits skeleton
    Nymph sheds the exoskeleton and begins molting process.
  • Mating Stage

    Mating Stage
    Female Cicadas locate the males by the male song. Only the males can produce a song.
  • Female lays eggs

    Female lays eggs
    Female Cicada deposits eggs into small branches of trees and shrubs. The female uses her ovipositor to slice into the twig and deposit the eggs. Several dozen eggs can be deposited.
  • eggs hatch

    eggs hatch
    Eggs begin hatching from twigs. The newly hatched ant-like nymphs fall to the ground where they burrow six inches underground to feed.