Baby chick

Life Cycle of a Chick

  • Day 1

    Day 1
    Day one:
    Brain and nervous system begin to form.
    Eye begins to form.
  • Day 3

    Day 3
    Day 3:
    Organs begin to form.
    Head and wings are visible.
    Tail has appered.
  • Day 6:

    Day 6:
    Day 6:
    Beak is visible.
    Wings can bend.
    Ribs begin to appear.
  • Day 9

    Day 9
    Day 9:
    Knee caps form.
    Eye lids form.
  • Day12

    Day 12:
    Embryo continues to move and grow.
  • Day 15

    Day 15
    Day 15:
    Beak and claws are beging firm.
  • Day 18

    Day 18
    Day 18:
    Beak begins to break through inter membrane.
    Lungs function.
  • Day 21

    Day 21
    Day 21:
    Chick hatches!!