Libby's life path

  • Birth

    I was born here in Canon City at the hospital.
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    Birth- 12 years old
  • Loss

    I was almost 3 years old when I was told I would be a big sister. My mom was pregnant with twin boys. On January 1st she went to the hospital with trouble with her pregnancy. That was the day that I lost my mom as well as my twin brothers. This is the link for the whole story explained by my dad.
  • Bullying

    From kindergarten, all the way through 4th grade I was bullied because I didn't have a mom. This was hard because every time I tried to stand up for myself it seemed like I was the one in trouble.
  • Schools

    I switched schools after 4th grade. This was just less than a week before school started. After I switched from Harrison to Mountain View all of the bullying stopped and I felt safe from anything like bullying.
  • Cousins

    During this time I got 3 beautiful cousins who like to get in trouble a lot. This was exciting for me because I knew that I would have so much fun with them. They are now 6,4, and 2 years old. I love going to see them and I have a lot of fun with them.
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    13 years old- 18 years old
  • Amputation

    My dad lost his leg due to him not listening to us and picking at a scab on the bottom of his foot and it got infected. At first he lost his pinky toe and the fifth metatarsal. But the doctors then discovered that the infection was traveling up his leg and they had to act fast in order to stop it from taking over the whole leg. He is now an amputee from about midcalf down.
  • Freshman Year

    Freshman Year
    I started freshman year scared because I was used to having the whole school being smaller than just the freshman class alone. When I started high school I was excited because my older cousin was going to be a senior and he just transferred here from D.C. so I knew that I wouldn't be alone on the whole new school thing.
  • Junior year

    Junior year
    This is my junior year and it has been the best year of high school yet. I am trying new things and preparing for the future. I have done things now that I probably never would have done if my life would have been different. I plan to do more great things as my life moves forward.
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    Age 19 until death
  • After High school

    After High school
    After high school, I planned on going into the medical field and that starts when I am able to go to college and work for what I would eventually like to do.
  • Career

    In the future, I would like to either work in the pediatric medical area or become a phlebotomist. I think either of these would be a fun career choice to go into.
  • Family

    In the future when it comes to a family I would like to be able to know that I won't have to live paycheck to paycheck. I want to know that I will be able to do the things I want but not have to be in any financial trouble. I would like to have a family eventually after working for a while and having enough money to get by on without having to worry about where the next meal will come from.
  • Work

    I would like to work very hard so I am able to do whatever I want to do. I also want to work for as long as I can. I hope to be able to work for many years.
  • Retirement

    When I retire I want to know that I made a difference in this world. I want to know that I did all that I could in order to complete my goal of helping as many people as possible.
  • Travel

    After retirement, I would love to be able to travel to several places and not have to worry about when I had to go back to work. I want to go see several places outside the US so it would take some time but eventually, that is something that I would love to do after working for as long as I could.