Portrait of leonardo da vinci 1452 1519 getty

leonardas da vnčis

  • 1452

    Leonardo was born

    Leonardo was born on april 15
  • 1472

    Leonardo was included in the list of painters

    In 1472, Leonard Da Vinci was included in the Cathedral of Florence. The lists of the painters ' Guild of Luke's name are marked with the "master"
  • 1494

    Leonardo began to create preparatory drawings

    Leonardo began to create preparatory drawings
    In 1494, Leonard began to create preparatory drawings "for the last Dinners" in the refectoral wall of the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie.
  • 1503

    leonardo made mono liza

    leonardo made mono liza
    mono liza was made in1503
  • 1519

    Leonardo died

    leononardo died on May 2, 1519