Imre lakatos

Lakatos Timeline

By MaidaD
  • Birth of Imre Avrum Lakatos

    Born in Debrecen, Hungary
  • Theory of Fallibility of Mathematics

    Lakatos originally introduced his theory of the fallibility of mathematics in his doctoral thesis Essays in the Logic of Mathematical Discovery in 1961.
  • Essays in the Logic of Mathematical Discovery

    This is written as a series of dialogues on how students would interact in a classroom where they are attempting to prove formulas. It shows how even though students are able to prove the formulas there are still other ways to refute the same information allowing you to see how math even when it appears to proven can be incorrect.
  • Problems in the Philosophy of Mathematics

    A continuation of Lakatos' work on proving that Math may have Fallibility
  • Death of Imre Lakatos

    Died in London, England
  • Proofs and Refutations

    based on his doctoral thesis Lakatos discusses monster-barring which is when the theorem in question could not be applied the object that was being attempted to be applied at the time. The second monster-adjustment is when you reappraise the monster (original formula) in order to make the theorem possible. Exception handling is the third he introduces. What he was trying to get people to recognize was that no theorem of informal mathematics is ever complete or infallible.