
Labor Unions Time Line 67

  • Labor Day Holiday Created

    Labor Day Holiday Created
    Labor Day, the first Monday in Septmeber, is a national holiday that gives thanks to the unionist and workers who tried to get the working conditions back on track. The first on was on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in NYC; the first nationwide Labor Day was in 1885.
  • American Federation of Labor formed

    American Federation of Labor formed
    The American Federation of Labor was formed in 1886. The organization was focused on securing higher wages, better working conditions and a shorter work week. Like other labor radicals many members were arreted and threatened
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    This riot was created to get better conditions from thier bosses. They often worked six day weeks and 10 - 12 hour days. Police were used to protect strikebreakers and keep more violence from breaking out, this didn't work very good; one person died and multiple others got seriously wounded.
  • "How the Other Half Lives" Written

    "How the Other Half Lives" Written
    "How the Other Half Lives" is a photojournal about the horrible conditions that immigrants and young kids were put through at their jobs. It also showed where they lived and in what condititons they survived.It was written by Jacob Riis.
  • The Homestead Strike

    The Homestead Strike
    This strike was an industrial lockout between secureity guards and unionists. It was one of the most organized strikes in this time period; previous to this time most riots/strikes were leaderless and un-uniform.
  • The Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike
    This strike was between pro-union workers and the CEO at Pullman sleeping cars, a local railroad business. The CEO made the workers live in Pullman City, have contiously rising workloads and continously decreasing wage cuts. The workers fought back and the government sent in federal troops. The CEO won because the workers ran out of union leaders.
  • Noble Order of the Knights of Labor formed

    Noble Order of the Knights of Labor formed
    This was a secret organization of garment cutter that fought the horrible things that were happening in the workplace, such as child labor, unfair wages and non- eight hour workdays. They were often arrested because the government thought that
  • The Coal Strike of 1902

    The Coal Strike of 1902
    This strike was the United Mine Workers of America against the owner of coal mine owners. The union wanted at least a small percent of the mining operation, so the workers could have better: wages, working conditions and working days. This was the first time in the unionization where the governmen worked as a neutral arbitrator.
  • "The Bitter Cry of Children" written

    "The Bitter Cry of Children" written
    "The Bitter Cry of Children" is a about the journey of a journalist named John Spargo. He went around to coal mines and places of the such and tried to do the work that the kids did. It showed how common injuries were and how bad the conditions were for these kids.
  • " The Jungle Written

    " The Jungle Written
    " The Jungle " was a book written by a journalist named Upton Sinclair. It showed how the life of the average immgrant. It dug deep into the nooks and cranies of factories and work mills.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    The Pure Food and Drug Act is a federal law that says that all consumables must be inspected. It was created because of the muckraker's publishing's. Before this many drugs with secret ingredients were sold.
  • Triangle Shirt Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirt Factory Fire
    Triangle Shirt Factory FireThe Triangle Shirt Factory fire was a fire in a shirt factory what killed 146 workers ranging from 12-48 in a sweatshop. It is ranked the fourth highest death toll in a industrial accidents. It helped create more safety standards and make people more aware about the danger in a sweatshop.
  • Steel Strike

    Steel Strike
    In this strike workers represented by the American Federation of Labor went on strike against the leader of the day, the United States Steel Corporation. Eventually other companies joined in on the strike, causing very bad conditions for the owners. They were hoping that they could force there employers into higher wages and better working condtions.
  • GM Sit-Down Strike

    GM Sit-Down Strike
    The GM Sit-Down Strike was a strike with the workers at a GM plant in Flint, Michigan. This was different than just a regular 'riot' style Strike because they clogged the workplace, just doing nothing. This is how they made it so the muckrakers couldn't come in.
  • Congress of Industrial Organization formed

    Congress of Industrial Organization formed
    The Congress of Industrial Organization was formed to solve the problem of how to solve worker organization. It's main focus was to secure good and skilled workers. This gave them better working conditions beause they were protected by a union that believed in them.
  • The National Labor Relations Act passed

    The National Labor Relations Act passed
    The National Labor Relations Act ( Wagner Act ) was an act that allowed workers to arganize and form unions. This was not mandatory, they could chose if they wanted to be in an union or not. This was a very effective tool to keep peace and make workers happy.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act passed

    Fair Labor Standards Act passed
    The Fair Labor Standards Act is a law that states that all workers must have a fair chance for equal wages and equal working hours. This solved the big Supreme Court deal about these subjects.
  • NYC Transit Strike

    NYC Transit Strike
    This strike was in NYC where the transit compainies wanted to extend their contracts with the NYC transportation department. However the city already had some newer transportation companies. So, the companies shut down their companies for the 12 days before the transportation let them renew their contract.
  • Major League Baseball Strike

    Major League Baseball Strike
    This strike was a 13 day strike from the players to the owners. They wanted a higher pension and the owners didn't want to give it to them. They missed 89 games in total. The baseball started back up again when they agreed in a 500,000 increase in pension fund payments.