Roma imagenes


By lmg0751
  • 700 BCE

    The Romans

    The Romans
    In the East was formed the mighty Sassanid empire which launched strong attacks on the Romans.
    Habitado desde la edad del hierro, fue escogido por los romanos por que estaba ubicado sobre las mayores vias de comunicación.
  • 600 BCE

    romans life

    From this perspective it would be highly enlightening to review the history of the Roman Empire between II and VI AD.What if Cleopatra's nose had been an inch longer, would Mark Anthony have fallen for her and changed the history of the Roman empire?
  • 500 BCE

    roman house

    roman house
    It was first thought to be from a Roman villa or Jewish synagogue, but several studies reached the conclusion it was a Paleochristian basilica.important communication roads of that period. This is evident with the remains of a roman villa uncovered in recent excavations.
  • 500 BCE

    Civilitzacio romana

    The decision has a profound meaning: Roman civilisation, the heir to Greek civilisation, represented Europe's first, crucial unifying element. One of the finds that testified the presence of the Roman civilization in Santisteban is the pedestal of Adriano's statue in the area around it.
  • 300 BCE

    war of the romans

    war of the romans
    the fresco depicts a scene of the expansionist war fought by the Romans against neighbouring cities in the times of Tullus Hostilius, third king of Rome. We must fall back on the old Roman truth: the best way to keep the peace is to prepare for war.
  • 100 BCE

    julio cesar

    julio cesar
    village's druid Panoramix, which allows the villagers to resist the Roman invasion in general and Julius Caesar in particular. according to the "Great Man" theory, men like Julius Caesar or Napoleon would have been influential figures anywhere at any point in history.
  • Period: 25 BCE to 235


    In the East was formed the mighty Sassanid empire which launched strong attacks on the Romans. Roman truth: the best way to keep the peace is to prepare for war.
  • 14 BCE

    roman numbers

    roman numbers
    Sample program: roman.p.txt, a program to convert Roman numerals into arabic numbers.There is great scope for significant exploration to be made in this scientific field, particularly in the many sites featuring cave paintings.
  • 1 BCE


    The emperor Hadrian had her taken to the temple of Hercules, and there beaten and hung by the hair.The conclusions of this report state that the objectives set by the Hercule programme have been achieved.
  • 11

    comunication of the romans

    comunication of the romans
    All unlawful content found in the new media must, of course, be treated like any other illegal statement, and its authors [outside of the house, a use of resources of communication rather than
  • 97

    Roman empire

    Roman empire
    Despite being a fully Spanish tradition, the habit of taking fruit just prior to the entry of the year dates from the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire had been gradually extended by the conquest of new provinces.
  • 100

    fall of the roman impere

    fall of the roman impere
    from Portugal after arriving here in 210BC, and remained for the next 600 years until the collapse of the Roman Empire.he turbulent history of the city saw it subject to several Vandal sackings during the fall of the Roman Empire.