
  • 527

    Byzantine Under Justinian Code

    The Byzantine Empire was under Justinian who established the Justinian Code which was the ancient Roman principles. This is when the region evolved within trade and arts, in which later called itself the cultural supermacy along wilth Baghdad in Islam.
  • Mar 1, 600

    Women in Islam

    Woen were seen as property, they had no rights. en were allowed to have up to four wives. The Qu'ran changed most of this it help women get omore rights like if they were divorced they were returned thier dowry.
  • Apr 14, 600


    Muslims praised Allah (God) and Mohamed. Their Bilble is known as the Qu'ran.Muslis Belive salvation is won by following the Five Pillers of Islam (Confession of faith, prayer five times per day, charity to the needy, fasting during the month-long Ramadan and pilgrimage to ecca at least once during one's lifetime).
  • Apr 14, 600


    The religion Christianity was chosen as the official religion for the Byzantine Empire. This caused tention between Rome and Byzantine because Rome wanted to be Catholic, and Byzantine wanted to be Orthodox which led to Rome and Byzantine splitting up due to the differences in religion.
  • Jan 1, 650

    Sunnis and Shiite

    Muslims split into two caps Shiites and Sunnis. The Shiite which thought Ali was the right heir to the empire while the Sunnis thought the heir was to be drawn form the people.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Umayyad Dynasty

    The Capital was moved to Damascus, Syria, Arabic becam the offical language, and coverted Muslis had to pay a tax to be non-Muslim. The Umayyad empire started to decline due to the fight of the Sunni and Shiite.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Abbasid Dynasty

    The capital was built at Baghad. Trade was important to the expansion of the Islaic Empire. This Islamic Empire preserved Westren culture.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Movable Type in Song

    Movable Type was a type of printing on paper. It was cheaper and gave a mass production of informative books and tests. The availability of boooks changed the form on how to work. People didn't have to ask a proffesional on how to do something, they could just do it themselves.
  • Apr 14, 1000

    Urbanization in Song

    Song's wealth had grown with the unification of China. It had it's own navy, and even participated in the national trade that was established in Asia. The increase of of agricultural and technological knowledge caused there to be an increase in production, and population growth. The money and the increase in people caused for urbanization which starts a trend .
  • Jan 1, 1054

    Vladmir & The Byzantine Othodox

    Vladmir decided to consider Chritian Orthodox, along with all the other religion sthat existed such as: roman catholicism. He set up the Russian Church to Orthodox and along with Byzantine which later on caused Russia to be different than the rest of the supermacies in Europe, causing for the rest to grow out of the tradition of catholicism of Rome.
  • Apr 14, 1054

    Christianity Split

    Once Byzantine and the Roman Empire got back together they had realized that it wasn't going to go work out so they decide to go different routes, including with the one thing they had in common-religion. This is where Christianity was split: Catholic, and Orthodox.
  • Jan 1, 1073


    Charles was crowned by the pope and named Charlemagne "Charles The Great" He created the Holy Roman Empire which consisted of Italy, Germany, Belgium and France.
  • Jan 1, 1095

    The Crusades

    Thecrusdes were Christian military capaigns agianst Muslim. This were four great expeditions. The European Christians wante dto take over the Holy Land and convert non-Christians and Muslis to Christians.
  • Apr 14, 1192

    Feudal Japan!

    Shogun was the chief general, and it was the highest ranked noble!
  • Apr 14, 1192

    Feudal Japan- Daimyo.

    The Daimyo's were owners of large tracts of land. They were also power warlords.
  • Apr 14, 1192

    Feudal Japan- Samurai

    They were underneath the class of the daimyo's. Their warriors made up the Daimyo's.
  • Apr 14, 1192

    Feudal Japan.

    All Feudal Japan was divided into classes. Either the nobility or the peasents.
  • May 15, 1192

    Code of Bushido

    The code of Bushido was the way of the warrior. It was for the samurai's. It mainly dealed with Loyalty, courage, obiedence, and honor.
  • Apr 1, 1206

    Delhi Sultante Starts!

  • Apr 15, 1206

    Temujin Becoming Gengis Khan

    He was elected at a massive metting somewher in the gobi. He gradually unified the monglos.
  • Dec 14, 1206

    Delhi Sultante's Official Reconization.

    Sultan Iltutumish secred official reconization of Delhi Sultante as a muslim state by the caliph of Baghdad.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The nobles got mad at the king so they rebeled agianst him. They forced him to sign the Magna Carta which limited the kings power.
  • Apr 15, 1215

    Chineese Invasion

    Gengis Khan Temujin Invaded China And Conquered Bejing!
  • Apr 15, 1227

    Death of Temujin

    After his death areas started to divide which was called Khanates.
  • Apr 15, 1227

    Gengis Khsn Ogodei

    He became leader after the death of temujin
  • Jan 1, 1250

    Complex falls.

    The Delhi Sultante's irrigation complex fell into ruin when invaders from South India disrupted the Sinhalese government.
  • Apr 15, 1271

    Yuan Empire

    This Empire was founded by the leader and grandson of temujin Kublai
  • Jan 1, 1279

    The fall of Song

    Song fell into the Jurchel and the Mongols, and then Mongols took over. The Mongols took over Song and later established the Yuan Dynasty.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Beaucracy in Song

    Due to the invading of the Mongols, lead to the Song dynasty to have governmental administrators before it fell. Song used the civil service examination to earn the spot of administrator, starting the trend to how now a days we get a job.
  • Apr 15, 1294

    Kublai New Gengis Khan

    He Ruled China After His Granfather Untill His Death. He Established A New Chineese Dynasty The Yuan.
  • Apr 15, 1312

    Ruler Of Mali

    Mansa Musa Ruled mali
  • Apr 15, 1315


    The mongols banned the civil service examination!!
  • Mar 1, 1325

    Delhi's ruler

    During Ibn Battutas visit to Delhi, Sultan Muhammad Iban Tughlug was the ruler.
  • Apr 15, 1330

    Black Death

    The Black Death Started To Kill Alot Of The Mongolians
  • Jan 1, 1337

    Hundred Years War 1337-1453

    This war between France and Britain. In this war firears were upgraded cannon wre ade bigger. The war ended up in a French victory which left it in firm control.
  • Apr 15, 1368

    Mongols Kicked Out

    The Chinees Kicked the mongols out Ther own place and thats when the became ming dynasty.
  • Apr 15, 1368

    Ming Empire

    This was started by the chineese after the mongols werent there
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Black Death

    The Black death originated in China. With the Mongols control of the central asian silk routes contacted between Europe and Asia increasded which is how the rats got to Europe which carried flea with the disease. The Black Death also known as the Bubonic Plague killed 1/3 of the population.
  • Apr 1, 1402

    Sultan was defeated of the rising Ottomen empire in Anatolia.

  • Jan 1, 1425

    The Strenght that Kept Byzantine

    Byzantine was built upon political and legal heritage brought by Rome, it was more prosperous and sophisticated upon its arts and culture and the technology that was developed permitted for a deeper vision of politics and beliefs upon Orthodox Christianity.
  • Apr 15, 1443

    Ruler Of Songai

    Askia Muhammed Ruled Songai
  • Jan 1, 1469

    Spanish Inquistion

    This is were Spain set out on an imperial quest which led to the speard of of spanish language and custums. Non-Chistians were forced to convert to Christians.
  • Vikings

    Viking from Scanddinavia where the powerfulest raiders at the time. They raided the Roman Catholic monastreries since it had wealth and food.
  • Beginning of Tang Dynasty

    The T'ang dynasty ruled China, and expanded its territories into the right side of the world. It became so powerful that the warlords that were sent out by Emperor Xuanzong and gained even more power.
  • Tang Tribute System

    The Tang Tribute System was a system to pay tribute to the Chinese emperor as a way to adknowledge China. The one's who tributed were Vietnam, Korea, Tibet, and central tribes in Asia.
  • Iron Production increase in Song Dynasty

    Iron Production increased which enabled Song to evolve technologically. Iron lead to the production of steal which provided for easier agricultural techniques.
  • The popularity of the Foot Binding

    The first empress, Wu Zhao, appeared during the Tang Dynasty. Although she recieved power, many other women did not. In the Song dynasty is where foot binding appeared because European men that were in the Tang, believed that a womens beauty should be worth protecting. Large feet were considered ugly, so foot binding was the option to being considered "beautiful" because the womens feet were small.
  • Neo-Confucianism

    Neo-Confucianism appeared during the late Tang, and early Song dynasties. Neo-Confucianism showed how culture was starting to spread to other areas because the philosophy was based on Buddhist ideas such as individuality, and civil service.
  • Tang & Buddhism

    Tang used Buddhism for their politics. Tang wanted to for the community into a Buddhist society that way they can help govern a long with the ruler, and to also prevent harm.
  • Holy Roman Empire

    After the empire was split between Byzantine and the Roman empire, it was in 800 when yet another empire was established, the Holy Roman Empire which was centered in Rome.
  • European Feudalism

    Feudilism is the nae for the European social, econoi and political syste in the middle ages. Here the on top were the kings who owned his ow kingdom.Beaneath him were the nobles who by granting loyalty to the king were given power over sections of the kingdom. The noble divide thier land land under the control of vessals. In the very bottom were the peasants who worked the land.
  • Code of Chivalry

    This was an honor system that promote loyalty and was agianst betrayal. Most the lords and the Knight followed this code.
  • European Women

    European women in this time period were powerless. They didn't inherit anything after their husbands died. Noble woen could inherit a fief, but not rule it.
  • Song Reunified by China

    The reunification with China resulted in peace and prosperity. The Song Dynasties in China evolved in the arts such as architecture, philosophy, science, and most importantly silk. The silk caused Song to reciece transportation systems.
  • Fall of Tang Dynasty

    The T'ang dynasty became so powerful that it needed to occupy warlords. Eventually the warlords became too powerful that it lead to Tang's collapse in 960, leading unto the Song dynasty.