Jason's timeline for core physical

  • 354

    Aristotle's Contribution

    Aristotle's Contribution
    Aristotle discovered that atoms are different sizes, and shapes. And that the atoms are always in motion
  • 460

    Democritus' born

    Democritus' born
    This is when Democritus was born
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    John Dalton was born
  • John Dalton's contribution

    John Dalton's contribution
    John Dalton had an intrest in gasses, that led him to discovering the Atomic Theory
  • J.J. Thompson

    J.J. Thompson
    J.J. Thompson was born
  • Hantaro Nagaoka

    Hantaro Nagaoka
    Hantaro Nagaoka was born
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    Ernest Rutherford was born
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    Niels Bohr was born
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    Erwin Schrodinger
    Erwin Schrodinger was born
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    James Chadwick was born
  • Louis de Broglie

    Louis de Broglie
    Louis de Broglie was born
  • J.J. Thompson's Contribution

    J.J. Thompson's Contribution
    J.J. Thompson discovered the electron
  • Ernest Rutherford's Discovery

    Ernest Rutherford's Discovery
    Ernest found out that most of the mass of an atom contained small nuculas. The rest of the atom is empty space
  • Niels Bohr made his Contribution

    Niels Bohr made his Contribution
    Niels Borh descovered that electrons only move around in certain spaces.
  • Louis de Broglie's Controbution

    Louis de Broglie's Controbution
    Electrons could act as waves and move all around
  • Erwin Schrodinger's Contribution

    Erwin Schrodinger's Contribution
    Erwin discover that how to find were the electrons were in atoms.
  • James Chadwick's Contribution

    James Chadwick's Contribution
    James discovered that nrutron charged part of nucleus
  • Hantaro Nagaoka,s Contribution

    Hantaro Nagaoka,s Contribution
    Hantaro discovered that electrons revole around positive charged centers
  • Democritus' Contribution

    Democritus' Contribution
    Democritus descovered that atoms are in the air
  • Aristotle's birthday

    Aristotle's birthday
    Aristotle was born.