• Hung Hsiu-chuan

    Known for being the leader of the Taiping Rebellion and establishing the so-called "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace".
  • Vienna treaty

    Division of Italy into 7 ducats.
  • Monroe's Doctrine

    The President of the United States, Monroe, declared: America for the Americans. He wanted to warn the European powers to refrain from intervening in the continent. Which in practice pointed the way for the colonial expansion of the United States into the rest of the American continent.
  • Opium War

    War between the Chinese Empire and the United Kingdom because China sought to ban the trade in opium, while the United Kingdom sought to open it up.
  • End of the Opium War

    It ended with the defeat of China and a treaty was signed with the English to open new ports.
  • German Revolution

    the creation of a nation-state is sought.
  • French revolution.

    Political and social movement.
  • Reforms

    Military reforms.
  • Taiping rebellion.

    It was started by peasants in the face of lack of land and high taxes. The dominant dynasty (the Manchúes) was also attacked.
  • Cavour and Napoleon meeting

    An agreement is signed that is divided into a public and a secret part.
  • Battle of Magenta and Solferino

    Austria lost the battles and Lombardy was taken over by Victor Emmanuel II.
  • Plebiscite

    The victory over Austria awakened nationalist sentiment among the Central Italian states. A plebiscite then determined the incorporation of the states of Pama, Modena and Tuscany into the kingdom of Cedena.
  • The Kingdom of Italy.

  • The Two Sicilies Revolution.

    El ejército sardo, al mando del propio Víctor Manuel II, después de conquistar los Estados de la Iglesia, excepto la ciudad de Roma, se unió a Garibaldi (quien tenía ayuda de Cavour) en Nápoles. Declararon su incorporación al reino de Cerdeña.
  • Rome was attacked.

    Garibaldi is trying to take over Rome.
  • Bismarck becomes president.

  • Venice incorporation.

    Victor Emmanuel II entered into an alliance with Prussia, Austria's rival. When the contest arose, the victory favored Prussia; a nation that then forced Austria to return Venice to Italy.
  • The defeat of Austria in the Seven Weeks’ War.

    It was a resounding Prussian victory that radically changed the European political landscape, which had remained virtually unchanged since Napoleon's defeat.
    Many of Prussia's rival states had joined Austria and been cowed and defeated, and the Empire then turned its attention away from Germany to restore some of its severely battered prestige.
  • Battle of Konniggratz.

    Confrontation between Austrians and Prussians.
  • Sun Yat-Sen

    Was a Chinese politician, statesman and ideologist. First President of the Republic of China and founder of the Kuomintang.
  • Meiji revolution

    Japan was the only Asian country that managed to escape colonial rule. It would be the only non-white people who were already an industrial power by the end of the 19th century.
  • War between France and Prussia.

    War that contributes to the possession of Rome.
  • Victory in sedan.

    Victory of the German army. A defeat that persuaded Napoleon to give up and live the last miserable year of his life in exile in England.
  • Beginning of the colonization of Africa.

    The fastest and most brutal and meant the total domination of the continent, with the exception of Liberia and Abyssinia.
  • Rome is incorporated.

    Ends Italy's unification.
  • German unification.

    la guerra sólo terminó cuando cayó a finales de enero de 1871. Mientras tanto, Bismarck había reunido a los príncipes y reyes generales alemanes en Versalles y proclamó el nuevo y ominoso país de Alemania, cambiando el paisaje político de Europa.
  • Berlin conference.

    The clash of interests between rival powers imposed the convening of the Berlin Conference, where the rules and areas to be occupied by each were decided.
  • Russia vs Japan

    Russia took over the Ili Valley and after the war with Japan lost the islands of Formosa and Pescadores. Just as it had to recognize the independence of Korea, which was in the hands of China since the 17th century.
  • The Fashoda Incident

    Was one of the most crucial conflicts in the way Europe consolidated its ownership of the continent. It brought Britain and France to the brink of war.
  • Hundred Days Reform

    Didn't last long because of internal court fights.
  • Entente Cordiale

    Treaty of non-aggression and regulation of colonial expansion between the United Kingdom and France.
  • Algeciras Conference.

    The aim was to solve the first Moroccan crisis that pitted France against Germany. The crisis arose in 1904 with an agreement between France and Spain, with the help of the United Kingdom, to delimit all the areas of Morocco over which these colonial powers exercised their protectorate.
  • Xinhai Revolution

    The last dynasty of the Chinese empire (Qing) was overthrown and the republic was established.
  • Abdication

    The young emperor abdicated, making way for a republic ruled by Sun Yat-sen.
  • First World War

    Was a Europe-centered warfare that began on July 28, 1914, and ended on November 11, 1918, when Germany accepted the terms of the armistice.