Industrial Revolution to Now

  • Sociotechnical Systems Theory

    Sociotechnical Systems Theory
    A group of researchers from London's Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, led by Eric Trist. They founded the sociotechnical Systems Theory which considers the social and the technical aspects when designing the jobs.Includes environment subsystem, social, technical and organizational. Without this how could people show off there businesses online to other people.
  • Leadership/Management

    Peter Drucker wrote The Practices of Management which is the 5 basic roles of management.
    1.) Setting Objective and Planning
    2.)Organizing the group
    3.) Organizing and Communicating
    4.) Measuring Performance
    5.) Developing people
    Without the these roles of management there could not be management at all. They set the tone for the structure of business managing.
  • The Motivational factors

    The Motivational factors
    Frederick Herzberg developed a list of factors that are based off the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs but more close to work. Hygiene factor must be present job that motivators workers. This would help people to this day work harder.
  • Theory X and Y

    Theory X and Y
    Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Y principles influences the design and implement of personal policies and practices. These theory's separate the good workers and lazy workers we have today.
  • Management Grid

    Management Grid
    Robert Blake and Jane Mouton develop a management model that conceptualizes management styles and relations. The goals set are rational goal, internal goal, human relations, open systems.
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    Performance Technology

    Tom Gilbert publishes Human Competence:Engineering Worthy Performance.This describes the behavior engineering model that became the bible of performance technology.This tool for the development of performance allow managers too see the specific position of there jobs and importance of organization.Helps sees the improvement of a individual.
  • Learning Organization

    Learning Organization
    Peter Senge popularized the Learning Organization and practice learning organization. He describes the organization as an organism with the capacity to enhance its capabilities and shape its own future. A learning organization which is schools, business, and government agency. It uses feedback system and alignment mechnisms to achieve its goals. Also values teams and leadership.
    Helps System Thinking, Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision, and Team Learning.
  • Drive Theory

    Drive Theory
    This model of motivation driven by rewards and fear of punishment by extrinsic factors, such as money and lays the performance of human motivation. The aspects of motivation autonomy which is the desire to be self directed. Mastery which is wanting to get better at things. Also purpose connecting to a cause larger than yourself.
  • Centralization

    The centralization of data has allowed for analyses and data visualisation at large spatial scales.These advances help to close the data flow cycle, enriching the experience and empowering them in local management. This has shown to increase the retention of volunteer as well as quality of data.
  • Decentralization

    A local sales manager will typically benefit from a high degree of flexibility in shaping offers to unique customer needs. This allows her to respond to information that is only available to her in a specific context, without having to loop decisions via some central decision-maker, which runs the risk of losing time and the sales