Industrial Revolution invention

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The inventor was Thomas Savery and Edward Somerset.Could transport products easier and faster Streat on society
  • Canals

    The interior was the Federal Government.It opened midwest settlement. Population increase
  • Cotton gin

    They could take the seeds out of cotton really fast.
    The inventor is Eli Whitney
  • Interchangeable parts

    The inventor is Eli Whitney. He made the interchangeable parts were made to replace broken items faster
  • National road

    National road
    The inventor was the Federal Government.Connected Cumberlands,Maryland to the ohio river. Was seen as a boon to business
  • Telegraph

    The inventor was Samuel Morse.Made it easy for big business to operate.Didn't have to send notes
  • Mechanical Reaper

    The inventor was Cyrus McCormick. It could collect crops faster it was way faster
  • Steel Plow

    The inventor was John Deere. Was the best out of the three types of plows Steel plow was better