improving personal stamina

By pwnage
  • Starting a goal

    Today I started a goal of building up my stamina. I plan to end it sometime in may or june.
  • Period: to

    Jan-erik's goal

  • Doing good so far

    I ran pretty good today, and felt really exercised(I also felt really tired). I'm almost an eigth of the area which we run in
  • I will run further!

    I will run further!
    Today I plan to run an eigth of the seawall
  • must...keep...moving...

    this has been tough! but i must press on! I must work towards my goal!
  • ran halfway

    I managed to run half of the place we run.
  • Getting close

    I'm almost at three quarters!
  • 3 freakin' quarters!!

    The title says it all.