Common purple lilac 3 800x800

i will plant you a lilac tree

  • Theme statement:

    Theme statement:
    Memories of the past can drive one to the future.
  • Hannelore wrote a letter to the Gestapo Headquarters asking to be deported with her family.

    Hannelore wrote a letter to the Gestapo Headquarters asking to be deported with her family.
    When her dad passed away and her family was getting deporting, Hannelore did not want to stay at her boarding school and wanted to accompany her family. This relates to the theme because she decided to be with her family to remember her dad. This was a negative impact because everything started going downhill from here.
  • They get deported to Lubin

    They get deported to Lubin
    Hannelore and her family gets deported to a Lubin where Hannelore works as a babysitter. She is later kicked out because the babies liked Hannelore more than their mother. This relates to the theme because this is her first camp and the thought of her dad was her motivation and will to keep pushing.This is a negative impact because she is beginning to realize the realities of the war.
  • She was sent to Belzyce.

    She was sent to Belzyce.
    Hannelore was separated from her family and sent to Belzyce, a labor camp. However, she reunited with Selly, who she found very sick. This relates to the theme because Hannelore's motivation of living is to reunite with her family and reminiscing of the simpler days. This is both positive an negative because she found Selly, her brother, but she is at a harsh camp.
  • She was sent to Budzyn.

    She was sent to Budzyn.
    She was sent to another labor camp, budzyn. She meets Dick, who she falls in love with, Fella who she befriends. She reunites with Selly, again, but he passes away. This relates to the theme because many times Hannelore is thinking of when she was with her family and since Dick is a part of her life, she also dreams of the future with Dick. This is positive because it gives her hopes for the future, but also negative because she had to go through her little brother passing away.
  • She is sent to Plaszow and Auschwitz.

    She is sent to Plaszow and Auschwitz.
    She finds out she is on the Schindler list, but before she goes to Brunnlitz, she is sent to these camps. She gets her hair chopped off and gets in trouble. Dick, her boyfriend, is starting to lose hope of the future, so Hannelore tells him stories of the past. This relates to the theme because Hannelore uses her memories from the past to help Dick with his present and to help him push forward. This is positive because she is also believing in the future.
  • She is sent to Brunnlitz and is liberated.

    She is sent to Brunnlitz and is liberated.
    Hannelore was on the Schindler list and worked at Brunnlitz for SS officers. She is liberated a bit after she is sent here. This relates to the theme because Hannelore was able to push forward with the memories of the past and she was successful. This was a positive impact, since she is liberated!