human right from the 19th

  • Spa Fields Riot

    'Spa Fields Riot' in London in 1816, failed insurrections - such as the attacks on gun shops and the Tower of London in 1816, and the rising at Pentrich in 1817.
  • 1816

    William Cobbett produces a cheap edition of his Political Register to spread reform ideas among the poor.
  • 1816 - 17

    Growth of 'Hampden Clubs'.
  • 1817

    Pentrich Rising, Nottinghamshire
    'March of the Blanketeers'; unemployed Lancashire weavers march.
  • 1818

    Sir Francis Burdett's motion for parliamentary reform is defeated.
  • 1819

    Peterloo Massacre', Manchester.
  • 1819 - 21

    Cato Street Conspiracy; plans for the killing of the cabinet.
    The 'Queen Caroline Affair'.
  • 1822

    County meetings organised by leading Whigs to promote parliamentary reform.
  • 1824

    Combination Acts repealed.
  • 1829

    Formation of the Birmingham Political Union.
    Catholic Emancipation Act.
  • 1830 - 31 - 32 - 33

    Wellington declares against any need for parliamentary reform.
    Swing Riots.
    The 'Merthyr Rising: industrial unrest in South Wales.
    Reform Riots.
    Great Reform Act.Althorp's Factory Act introduces the factory inspectorate.
  • 1834

    Tolpuddle Martyrs sentenced to transportation for swearing illegal oaths.Poor Law Amendment Act introduces the 'New Poor Law' in England and Wales based on the workhouse system.
  • 1837 - 38 - 39

    Violent reactions to the New Poor Law in the Midlands and Northern manufacturing counties.
    Formation of the Anti-Corn Law League.
    Publication of the 'Charter': six political points to democratise Britain.
    The first edition of Feargus O'Connor's Northern Star published.
    First of the Chartist petitions presented to parliament
    The 'Newport Rising'; 20 people die in an exchange between local Chartists and the military.