Holy Roman Empire

  • 500

    Conflict between the Church and State

    Conflict between the Church and State
    Pope Gelatsius believed that there were two symbolic swords, one religous and one political. the emperor should bow down to the pope for religious matters but the emperor thought the opposite. The Pope and Emperor both competed for power continuously.
  • Period: Jan 18, 1001 to Jan 18, 1100

    Christians subject to canon law or face excommunication and interdict

    All medieval Christians, kings and peasants alike, were subject to canon law, or Church law, in matters such as marriage and religious practices. Courts were established courts to try people accused of violating the canon law. The pu punishments that offenders faced were excommunication and interdict.
  • Jan 17, 1075

    Pope Gregory banned Lay investiture

    Pope Gregory banned Lay investiture
    Pope Gregory excommunicates Henry
  • Jan 17, 1077

    Henry crosses the alps and asks for forgivness

    Henry crosses the alps and  asks for forgivness
    Henry was in the snow for three days asking for the Pope's forgiveness
  • Jan 17, 1122

    Concordat of Worms

    The town in Germany where Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV reached a compromise, saying the Church alone can selevct a bishop, but the Emperor can veto the choice.
  • Jan 17, 1152

    Fredrick I is chosen as German King

    Fredrick I is chosen as German King
    The 7 princes while deciding who to elect for their new king realized Germany needed somebody stronger than the ones in the past and chose Frederick
  • Jan 17, 1176

    Battle of Legnano

    Battle of Legnano
    Foot soldiers of the Lombard League faced Fredrick's army in this battle. The Italian soldiers won the battle using crossbows to defeat the feudal knights.
  • Jan 17, 1177

    Fredrick made peace with Pope

    Fredrick made peace with Pope
    Fredrick makes peace and returns to Germany. This defeat underminded his authority with the German princes.
  • Jan 17, 1190

    Empire Falls to pieces

    Empire Falls to pieces
    The Roman Empire's power corrupted because the church and government no longer agreed with eachother
  • Otto invades Italy

    Invaded italy on popes behalf and was crowned emperor
  • Charlamagne was crowned Emperor

    Charlamagne was crowned Emperor
    Pope Leo the Third crowned Charlamagne as the Roman Emperor
  • Otto the Great is crowned King

    Otto the Great is crowned King
    Otto followed in Charlamagne's footsteps, which made him also invade Italy on the pope's behalf. The pope crowned him emperor as a reward.
  • Period: to Jan 17, 1100

    Holy Roman Empire