History of US

  • War begins in China Between Nationalists and Communists

    War begins in China Between Nationalists and Communists
    The Chinese had begun a civil war with the tradition national government that was previously in power and the new communist party in china.
  • First levittown built

    Levittown, New York was the first Levittown founded by Abraham Levitt
  • Creation of the United Nations

    Creation of the United Nations
    This was signed in London and was the documentation that lead to the creation and establishment of the United Nations.
  • Satilite Nations

    Satilite Nations
    Nations that were formally independent but have political, economic or millitary influences from a larger nation
  • CIA is formed

    CIA is formed
    President ruman was worried about hoe the US would collect inteligence so he formed the CIG which later evoled into the CIA. At first this was maily used for puporeses directed directly agianst communism
  • CIA formed

    CIA formed
    President Truman was worried about hoe the US would collect intelligence so he formed the CIG which later evolved into the CIA. At first this was mainly used for purposes directed directly against communism
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The "Big three," President Truman Soviet Premier Stalin and British Prime Ministers Churchill and Atlee, came together in Potsdam Germany and talked and clarified the topics that were ealier discussed at the Yalta confrence.
  • Iron Curtian Speech by Churchill

    Iron Curtian Speech by Churchill
    Churchill made a speech in Fulton, Missouri. It took place after World War two and discusseded a postwar world. It is also considered the start of the cold war.
  • Us containment policy

    Us containment policy
    George F. Kenna was the main advocate of contaiment and later convinced Truman of its power. This policy was to stop the spread of communism, and was a weapon against Russia in the Cold war
  • Truman Doctorine

    Truman Doctorine
    States that the US will be directly involved with foreign affairs. The US will supply help whether it be political, economic, or military, to all nations under a Communist threat.
  • Hollywood Black list

    Hollywood Black list
    Was a list of performing entertainers who would be denied a job based on suspicion of communism
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Officially called the European Recovery Program, helped the European countries rebuild after World War 2. This was an act from America to actively stop the spread of communism. It gave economic support to Europe. and lasted for four years.
  • NATO established

    NATO established
    The Nato was a treaty with the western nations,United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada, and Portugal, to help stop the spread of communism. This improved American influence in Europe. The combined military power was used to defend themselves against Soviet aggression.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    This was a response to the Soviet Union's blockade of railways to Berlin. The soviet Union wanted to stop the Western allies from supplying Berlin, this giving control over Berlin to the Soviets. The Allies replied to this by dropping off supplies to Berlin through plane drops.
  • Election of 1948

    Election between Harry S Truman and Thomas E. Dewey. Truman won this was a suprise to America
  • Dewey defeats Truman

    Newspaper had made a statment that Dewey won the election before all the votes were in, Truman was shot holding the paper when he knew that he in fact won the election
  • McCarthyism

    McCarthy accused many people of being communist most of whom were not. Many lives were destroyed by these accusitions.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    Communist North Korea attack south Korea and start the Korean war. The US sides with south Korea to avoid the spread of communism.
  • MacArthur Fired

    MacArthur Fired
    General MacArthur was fired. While dealing with the north Korean affair president Truman felt that MacArthur was too aggressive. One of his plans, invasion of North Korea, caused loss of American lives.
  • McCarran Act

    McCarran Act
    Also known as the Immigration and Nationality act. This act restricted immigration into the US, due to the fear of communism
  • H-Bomb dropped

    H-Bomb dropped
    There was a nuclear arms race with Russia and the H-bomb in the US was the first to be tested. This bomb was made with nuclear fission of hydrogen
  • Election of 1952

    Between Dwight D. Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson. Eisenhower won by a large margin.
  • Khrushchev's Rise in Power

    With the deat of Stalin there was a hole in leadership. Malenkov was the filler to that, but he wasn't for long. Khrushchev, an advid follower of Stalin, used Malenkov's weaknesses to gain power
  • Roenburg Execution

    Roenburg Execution
    Julius and Ethel Rosenburg were arrested and later executed for treason. They leaked information about the H-bomb to soviets and were accused of espoinage.
  • Korean War ends

    Korean War ends
    The korean war ends with an armistice. This was the US's first experience in the Cold war with limited War
  • Geneva Accords

    This was an confrence to discuss Vietnam, indochina, and the Korean peninsula. France China Russia and the US atended
  • Salk and his Polio vaccine

    Salk creates a vaccine using a dead polio virus.This vaccine was around 70% effectice which saved thousands of lives.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    A Soviet pact with its satilites. They signed a treaty which gave Soviet power over its satilites' millitary force
  • House Un-American Activities Committee

    House Un-American Activities Committee
    An inveasigative committee by the representatives to check on the actions performed by Americans. The first hearing was done on Pete Seeger
  • Election of 1956

    Between Adlai Stevenson and Dwight D Eisenhower. Eisenhower defeated Adlai Stevenson again, by an even larger margin than last time.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine established

    Eisenhower Doctrine established
    This was the speech made by Eienhower that was a putting out a helping hand to any country that might fall to communism.
  • Sputnik launch

    Sputnik launch
    The US and Russia were involved in a space race and sputnik was the first rocket to be launched into space. This worried the US, if the Russians can somthing into space then they could send a missile any where in the world
  • Castro gain power in Cuba

    Armed with a group of rebel fighters and guerilla warfare after five years Castro is able to take control of Cuba. Although there was no apointment process he was widley known as the Dictator of Cuba
  • U-2 incident

    U-2 incident
    The U-2 was a spy plane that got shot down and captured by the Soviets. At first the US denied it being a spy plane but then confessed to having set up a spy.
  • Brinkmanship

    A strategy of pushing along potentially disastrous events to achieve the best outcome for yourself. Most noted example being the cuban missile crisis