History of the Computer

By MKeller
  • Sep 16, 1200

    The basic idea of computing is created

    In the 1200s a Moslem cleric suggested solving problems with a series of written procedures.
  • Punch card technology is invented

    Punch card technology is invented
    Punch card technology was invented by Herman Hollerith
  • Joseph-Marie Jacquard creates a water powered loom

    The loom weaves by reading punched holes stored on small sheets of hardwood.
  • Charles Babbage creates differential engine

    Charles Babbage creates differential engine
    His machine was used by Ada Lovelace to translate a short story. His machine would later be copied by multiple people unaware of his work.
  • Herman Hollerith invented data storage

    Storage was useful and this technology was used in computers invented later on.
  • Hewlett-Packard create Audio Oscillator

    Hewlett-Packard create Audio Oscillator
    They invent the 200A Audio Oscillator. The B model is later used by Disney Pictures for the sound effects in Anastasia.
  • Konrad Zuse finishes the first functional programmable computer

    Konrad Zuse finishes the first functional programmable computer
    An early computer a German engineer invented in complete isolation from other developments.
  • First personal computer

    First personal computer
    The first personal computer is marketed in kit form