History Of Technology

  • Facebook

    Facebook is a Social website where you can make friends, play games, talk to friends and lots more. But there are bad effects like cyber bullying. Aimed at young teenagers and older teenagers.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    Xbox is used for entertainment purposes .e.g. gaming exc. Aimed at yound teenagers and older teenagers.
  • Ps3

    Entertainment purposes .e.g. Gaming, watching Tv exc. Aimed at Young teenagers and teenagers.
  • Iphone 3g

    Iphone 3g
    Hi-fi touch screen phone which you can do a lot of things with it e.g.gaming, internet browsing exc. Aimed at Mostly Adults and Teenagers.
  • Beats

    For listening to music or watching videos. Aimed at Teenagers.
  • Google chrome

    Google chrome
    Browsing the internet in my opinion the best Browser. Aimed at Kids, Adults and Teenagers.
  • Minecraft

    Entertainment Purposes .e.g. Gaming. Aimed for Kids and Teenagers.
  • Black Ops 2

    Black Ops 2
    Black ops 2 is a 3 person shooter game. There are 3 game mode types which are "Campain", "Multiplayer" and the last one which is Zombies. Campain is like a story which every video game has which you have to complete. Multiplayer is where play against people all around the world. Zombies is where you play with people or you play on your own and survive against zombies. Mainly Aimed at Young Teenagers and Old Teenagers.
  • Samsung S4

    Samsung S4
    Hi-fi touch screen phone which you can do a lot of things with it e.g.gaming, internet browsing exc. Aimed at Adults
  • Google Glass

    Google Glass
    As well as Google's own list of features, the early apps for Google Glass provide a neat glimpse into the potential of the headset.
    As well as photos and film - which require no explanation - you can use the Google hangout software to video conference with your friends and show them what you're looking at. You'll also be able to use Google Maps to get directions, although with GPS absent from the spec list, you'll need to tether Glass to your phone. Sources: http://www.techradar.com/news/video/g